Over the last two months, my world has been shaped by life and death, family and friendships, once again waking me up and forcing me to consider the important things in life. I've been really quiet of late, I know. There's particularly good reason for this: introspection. Even my livejournal has been quieter. I'm probably happier with my life than I've been in a while, too, which is not to say there aren't things that continue to make me crazy, because there are, but in the grand scheme of things, they matter less than I thought.
We can affect change inwardly, outwardly, good and bad, and right now, I'm working on focusing on the good things that I can control, or at least influence. I know what I want, I've got what I need, and I'm pretty sure my goals are attainable. I promise to tell you about some of the stuff that has gone on, to talk about the things that are important as well as the things that are trivial and/or fun.
When am I going to do this? This coming Saturday, July 28, when I enter the Blogathon to raise money for the Humane Society of Canada. Why the Humane Society? Animal welfare, the environment and wildlife are important issues to me and the Humane Society addresses all three. My own two cats came from the local shelter. So, with input from friends, I've decided to blog for an organisation that most people can get behind. It is also a social charity, for linked to animals are people. The Humane Society educates against abuse and waste and environmental degradation, which reflect on our own lives in a very immediate way.
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