The juggling act has begun. In the past, it was full-time school and a part-time job; now it's a full-time job and part-time school. The other main difference is that I'm studying from home, which is a challenge to both my motivation and time management. As a slacker with a fluid sense of time, this is really hard. I think I'll get the swing of things - I'll have to - but until then, the balancing act and self-bribery required to get things done is a trick. I've got faith in myself, I know I'll pull it off, but this semester might be a bit harder than the others because I don't, as of yet, know what to expect.
The box of supplies (reading materials, activities, etc.), which they call a 'package' was as large as the bankers' boxes I shipped my books in, though not quite as heavy. Each module has a fat binder filled with readings and exercises, essentially, the 'course' itself, plus books and, in this case, a DVD. There is a tutorial that I must do and at the end of it all, due at the start of January, there is a not-insubstantial essay for marks. I haven't written an academic essay in a few years and they have a very specific set of rules governing how sources are to be cited. Thankfully, I really enjoy footnotes. There were so many materials, though, that it was imperative that I build my last piece of furniture - the second of my 6' bookcases.
Additionally, I've picked up a semi-regular freelance gig with What's Up Yukon, which while not paying a ton, certainly will help put groceries in my refridgerator. The piece I've just been offered is a feature on the next three artists coming up in the Gallery. I will try my hardest to keep any bias out of it. Heh. I guess that says something for the editor's impression of the first short piece I submitted. Go me !
I just have to remember what my real purpose here in the Yukon is. I've got an excelent job and that is why I'm here. I'm one person and must not bite off more than I can chew, even if my mouth is big. I have created for myself a clear timeline for priorities based on work and school and I will work on my self-discipline to adhere to it. People have expectations of me, and I have expectations of me, and I really don't want to muck this up. I've got a long history of dashing my own personal expectations, while some how managing to salvage most of those set by others. Now, I have to stay serious and get what I need to get done so I can move on in life. I hope I can do it !