What a night. I suppose it's night time despite the broad daylight, albeit setting sun. I just came in from a short exploratory walk that took me through the marshy area behind my apartment. It lies beyond the creek which runs parallel to the dirt lane. The birds are singing their tails off and the breeze that was cooling down the otherwise very warm day up in the hills around the Arts Centre seems to have blown itself off somewhere else. The leaves, as I predicted to my mother last weekend, are opening at a pace. I took some photos. On Sunday, they were quivering, fuzzy buds, ready to spring into life at any moment. I told my mother that within two days they'd start to open, and they did. I give it no more than two days before everything is in full leaf. I cannot believe how quickly everything is exploding out of dormancy.
This includes the people, by the way. Everyone's up on their bicycles, or walking, or riding their noisy dirt bikes and ATVs. I don't much love the latter two, as they're kind of noisy, but the people around here don't do it too often, so far, so I can bear it. Courtesy. It's all about respecting your neighbours.
In other news, Gareth has booked his ticket to Whitehorse ! I'm thrilled to pieces about it, of course. He's arriving on the German charter flight (twice a week, full of German tourists, direct from Frankfurt) on the 8th of June, around lunchtime. This is the same day as the Gallery Opening, so he'll get to crash while I help finish things up at the Centre and then I'll come back, get changed and pick him up for the festivities. This is going to be awesome and also kind of wacky. He's staying for a while, so it will be kind of like... co-habitating, as they said in the fifties. My apartment, my cats, and my boyfriend, all under one ceiling. Weird. And also neat ! I'll get to play 'house' !