Five days left before I'm home again. Where has the time gone? This time last week I was feeling down about leaving Winnipeg, but now I'm really starting to get excited about going home. Five days ! Currently, the weekend weather is predicted to be warmish and kind of wet in Toronto and warmish and clear in Winnipeg, so hopefully my flight won't be grounded or re-routed. Things can change, though, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
I have basically said goodbye to the neighbourhood I'm living in. I took a walk on Saturday and got a few more photos, and went up to Osborne Village and window-shopped. I can't really afford to do anything else, now. I've got some bills to pay and stuff, so whatever is left on my credit card is being used for that and to ship home the stuff that won't fit in my suitcase.
My plans for when I get home are simple. On Christmas Eve, the tree goes up. Maybe Mom will have gotten a head-start on it. Then I wrap the few presents I have. There will be a little turkey dinner for the two of us and then depending on how exhausted I am, there will either be church or bed. I hope I'm awake enough for church, though, because I love the singing. Ya, that's the reason I go, it's true. Sermon? No. Jesus? Not so much. Singing? Heck yes ! Christmas Day will involve gifts, coffee and (as they say in Winnipeg) dainties, hopefully a long, hot bath and then the big dinner with the Muttons as usual. As for Boxing Day, there seems to be a push to have me play D&D with the gang in the Petes, and since no commuting would be involved, I'm inclined to say yes, but I need to check with Mom to see if we already have plans that she hasn't informed me of.
And, finally, I will now plug my Prints Account at deviantArt. Buy my photographs ! Help a girl out !