So, yesterday, after working in the "Zone of Wonder" all day, I had dinner with Rick at Gabby's, which was alright, and then headed uptown to the Rogers Cable studios in order to work the phones for WNED. I did this last year and enjoyed it, so I thought I'd do it again. I had a very fun time with some of the Rogers Volunteers, a bunch of audio-visual kids who have grown into funny, mildly demented young men, and with whom I therefore get along. Much teasing occurred and it dawned on me that I should have taken away some phone numbers because they seemed like my kind of people, but I didn't so it doesn't matter.
On Saturday, I had the desire to go and buy some new shirts from Jacob, since one of my favourites is in the process of losing its shape and becoming quite unflattering. Or to go down to Fluevog to see what was on sale. However, I'm a good girl and held off. Despite my tax return, more shoes (even 'vog heels, of which I own none) probably isn't the best use. Even with the majority earmarked for tuition, bridesmaid gowns and the like. I do feel sort of grown up with priorities like that. Hah. But I still want some shoes. And shirts (or pants, or something). Anyway, it was just so damn hot and humid on Saturday that the only place I went was back to Rick's where I proceded to melt into the couch. Maybe tomorrow, I'll go to Fleming and pay down my tuition. That would be swell. Then I could get my student card updated, meaning I will be able to get an international student card, meaning I can go buy my Via Rail ticket to Winnipeg for a reduced rate.
Now, I just want a nap. And throat lozenges.