I've had the luxery of a relaxing (mostly) week. The exhibit is installed and it looks better than I had thought it would, which is good. Not that I believed it would look bad, mind you, just not as professional as it does. Despite the insecurities, arguments, and clashes of ego, the group pulled together and really made it happen. I took many photographs of the installation process and sometime this week I will begin downloading them onto Natasha and compiling them for the exhibit group - for our portfolios. I got some really excellent pictures, candid shots of people doing construction and whatnot. As Amber would say, "Good times, good times."
Unfortunately for me, this past weekend, I had a maple latte (this is so dumb, I tell ya) that literally made my stomach turn. I spent one and a half days pretty much incapacitated due to food poisoning. This was, without a doubt, The Suck. The BIG Suck. I missed work on Sunday because of it and even when I was uptown at Julie and Jerzy's, I didn't eat anything more than three dried apricots and two small biscuits washed down with some tea. My guts were in agony. Anyway, I went back to the coffee place on Monday and told them it made me sick, and maybe tomorrow they'll compensate me. I dunno, free coffee in the amount of money I lost from not being able to work, would be nice. Anyway, I could get 41 servings of my "usual" for what I didn't make at work. I'd be good with that, or even half of that, frankly.
I have hardly had a chance to talk to my mother since her return from New York. We've been a house on wheels. First I was gone the whole Easter weekend, then she was hosting a retirement party for some PSO musicians, now I'm back in the big city... and so it goes. At this rate, we'll be able to have a good talk when I'm done class (which is in three - THREE !). I can't believe how quickly the time has flown. When I'm done school, I will continue doing the Peterborough/Toronto split, working in the city and resting chez maman. And then the wedding bonanza begins.
In June, I will be attending a betrothal ceremony. July is Tanya's wedding month, and my dress should be in soon for trying on. Oh man. August is Juliane and I'm going to make another attempt to try on HER bridesmaid gown tomorrow after work (it was foiled by food poisoning). Then in September, I will be starting my internship, where ever that ends up happening, and finally, I'll have Tracy's wedding in October. Holy crap, that is a lot of matrimony. Rick's mother has started asking me when he and I are planning to get married and I really wish she'd stop. I gave her a good jolt last weekend when I told her we'd just elope instead of doing anything fancy. Boy, did that quiet her down. Don't want that kind of answer? Don't ask the question ! Yeesh. I haven't even lived with the guy yet, weekends don't count.
Anyway, it's time to cash out at the ROM, so I'll sign off here.