Are you in my class and reading this? Are you irritated by what I've written? Well, let me take a moment to remind you that a) no one is twisting your arm (or forcing your eyelids open) to read this, b) this journal is mine and reflects my own honest opinions, perceptions, and thoughts and, c) it's not like I'm slandering anyone, my days of naming names are over. So, I understand you've been grumbling (yes, the grapevine reaches me, too), and that you've taken my entries too personally. Then, I guess you're feeling about my entries the way I'm feeling about the things I perceive to have happened to me over the last few weeks.
Maybe all of this is just another lesson in Exhibit Design. Maybe we're all feeling the impact we have on each other, be they positive or negative, and we're all walking away from this with an emotional response or opinion. If this were an exhibit, then I guess we would have succeeded somewhat in our aims. Heh. Fun way to look at it, right? I suppose I'm wrong about that, too.
I am tired of this class now. We all are. We're tired of each other, of our opinions, our voices, our manerisms; it's almost done. Just a week left, really, and most of us are more than ready to get out of here. Not everyone handles stress in the same way, and if we've had anything over the last two months, it's been stress. LOTS of stress. Some people get paranoid, others get angry. Some have panic and anxiety attacks, while others try to avoid each other. I've tried to be a good peer, not just a good student, and if I've failed lately, think about how I've succeeded in the past. Think of all the work I've put in, often extra work that I've simply picked up because someone needed to do it. We have all stepped up somewhere to do what needed to be done, and most of us have also fallen short of a few goals.
This is somewhat rambly, I know. It's just a stream of consciousness, the garbage in my head. I'm past caring about how people perceive me, or my opinions, I'm just interested in getting everything done as best as I can. That's what we should all be doing. If I could do it all again, I would do only one thing differently: I would provide everyone with a schedule of my time here in the Petes and in Toronto, the commuting time, the lack of access time to my files, my programmes, and whatnot when I'm in Toronto, how many hours I work each week, and the time I spend doing work that relates to school activities without actually being the minimum manditory responsibilities. Or, maybe I'd just not bother with extra school-related stuff at all. But probably not.
Is there a moral to this rambling, meandering post? Sure. But I'm done with extra work, so figure it out for yourselves. And, to those of you reading this with whom I still have a decent working relationship, thank you, I appreciate your faith in me, and your friendship.