Week one of term two has ended and I've already got that oh-my-god feeling. Without even having all the assignments penned into my agenda, the semester is shaping up to be as bad and worse than the last. It's exciting, though, and I'm really enthusiastic about a couple of my new courses, including the interpretation/education class.
In other news, I'm having a hard time with a particular decision. You see, I've been an active member of the OPSEU local at the museum for my entire history of paid work there. I've been a shop steward for five out of those six years and, I think, fairly devoted to the cause. I took the position for no other reason than to look out for my co-workers and make sure they got the most fair treatment available to them. This is no small task considering the myriad underhanded ways in which the management undermines the membership and, to be honest, the whiny, spineless nature of much of the membership. I believe that I have done a relatively good job in this position.
Recently, I have been handling a potential grievance issue for one of my co-workers. He's a steadfast employee and not one to rock the boat, but he's also had it with his manager's total disregard of the rules as laid out in the Collective Agreement. He came to me and I have attempted to handle this case quickly and justly. I asked him if he was willing to grieve the issues and he agreed. I was stunned, but, not ever having had the opportunity to go through with a grievance, also unsure of the exact procedures. I emailed three of the senior union executives, and only one of them ever answered me. So, I did what I was told to do and then waited to receive an answer. No answer came. I sent another email about the issue and was told that they hadn't heard from my co-worker and therefore they couldn't move on it. I replied that they were supposed to get back to me and then explained my frustration with how this had been handled.
I constantly have to hear about how unreliable the part-time union reps are and how unwilling the membership is to pursue grievance cases, etc. More than once, when I've looked for advice or had questions for the senior executive, they have not followed through and/or answered me. I finally said as much and have now received an email that makes me wonder why I bother at all. I'm sick and tired of being made to feel like I'm inadequate in my position as steward, tired of bothering with any of this at all. I'm unsure how to answer the letter, which, yet again, pins me with the blame and questions my commitment. What I'd like to say in response is something along the lines of, "Fuck you. I'm sick and tired of this crap. Maybe if you think the part-time executives are lacking in commitment, you should take a look at how you behave toward them. I quit." Unfortunately, this is probably not the best way to handle the situation and it certainly doesn't help my co-workers.
Anyway, I've decided to think on this a bit before I take action. I'm angry and irritated and I know from experience that this is not a good time to make a decision.