You know what would have been nice? What would have been nice would have been Georgie Bush coming to Canada and thanking Canadians for sheltering all the stranded American travellers after 9-11 maybe a little closer to the time of the event. Three years later is TOO FUCKING LATE. What an assmonger.
In other news, I have good news. School continues to be great, my lowest mark remains an A- and I just got two grades back, including one on an assignment I had thought we'd kind of blown. The first one was an incredibly tedious assingment that had myself and my partner sitting in on a pair of board meetings and then writing about. Okay, so we nailed it with an 88%. Not bad considering we thought our critical thinking was a little lacking. The other assignment (with the same partner) was for the class we both dislike. We had thought, after the fact, that we'd done a shoddy job of wrapping our textiles, but apparently it wasn't too bad. Not too bad with a 91% ! Woo, baby, a nice A+ ! Sweet.
That's all I had to say, so I guess I'll sign off, for now.