If only Rick had a fireplace, this would be perfect. We put up his tree tonight. It's early for me, but I know he comes from a Christmas house where the entire month is decorated so I can let it go. Anyway, it was enormous fun. I refused to let him play Tool while we did it. Last year I allowed Michael Jackson, but I draw the line at Tool - it's really a little too heavy. *laugh* We spent about ten minutes fishing around on different Christmas themed Internet radio stations and finally found a wonderful one - it might as well be MY collection. It features everthing from Bing to Sesame Street Christmas !
I brought my ornaments from last year (the ones I made from dough last year due to extreme poverty) and combined them with his ornaments and we have one festive tree ! I'm not into the multicoloured large lights like he is, I like my tree lights a little smaller, and generally white, but his tree is a nice combination of both our tastes. Now I just need to find him a real star for the top of his tree, although there's something quaint about the silver plastic thing we're using.
Anyway, in other news, I was in Etobicoke last night. Why? you ask. Good question. Well, for starters, I was at the Polish Consulate. I was there in order to take photographs of the PSO's music director as he received a medal from the Consul for his contribution to Polish culture abroad. I took MANY photos and some of them came out really well, especially the one where he's actually being pinned. There were delicious hors d'euvres following the ceremony and then we were invited to someone's house where there was some of the most delicious food I've enjoyed in a long time. I promise that nothing I ate there was remotely appropriate for someone doing Weight Watchers. Heh.
I have not had herring so delicious as what I ate last night since we were in Holland almost a decade ago. Fabulous ! Heerlijke ! There was also a cheesecake that was unlike any cheesecake I've ever had. I -think- it was made with poppy seed filling with a fluffy cheesy top and a honey soaked pound-cake sort of bottom. It was very crumbly but well worth the mess. I'm afraid to admit it, but I had two pieces. :)
Tomorrow, after work, I'm flying home again in order to attend the PSO's Christmas concert. That should be fun. I haven't seen them in a while so I'm due. Then I have another party to attend... THEN I have to write some policy for school. This is the last week of the semester and I'm running something around an 88% average, which for me is unheard of. Go me ! Anyway, I've got three or four assignments to deal with before it's all done on the 17th. I'm working that night and the following day, but the evening of the 18th, Rick and I are going to a party and you can bet I'll be celebrating.
Oh baby. It's so exciting ! And now, it's time for bed. I meant to go to bed half an hour ago, but I guess I had to take a moment to unwind with my weblog.