So, the joys of being a bridesmaid are many, or something, except perhaps not included among them is dress shopping. Maybe it's fun when you're doing it with the bride, or with the other bridesmaids, or something, but when it's just you going into a bridal shop, it kind of sucks. Also, pastel colours kind of suck - no offense Tanya, for you I'll wear them. That said, at least I know my own body well enough to be able to say, "yes, I love that halter top, but my boobs are too heavy," or, "ah, that is not a good look," even when the saleswoman suggests it works. There is subtle saleswoman language that I know well enough to mean, "well, it's not bad," rather than, "Woo, sexy !" When they start pointing out minor features and parts of you that look nice, it's not the whole package. Anyway, I sorted it out. I picked my top. It's the kind of gown that I'm never going to wear again. Unless I turn it into something else.
Oh, and the other thing is that even though there's no price difference between a size 6 and a size 12, larger women are screwed because the price goes up by 30 bucks between a size 14 and anything bigger. I hate that.
That said, I am VERY pleased to be a bridesmaid - repeatedly - and look forward to further adventures.
Last week, I signed up for Weight Watchers. I found it to be quite successful the first time I went into the programme and now, thanks to forgetting about portion sizes and two meds that make people fat, I'm back. Nevermind how heavy I am this time around, it's not important. What is important is that this time, I'm going to take my time. I'm not looking for a quick fix. Averaged out over the two and a half years in which I've been gaining weight, I put on 0.3lbs a week. Of course, it didn't work uniformly like that, but the point I'm trying to make is that it took a while of steady gaining to put me at my current weight. I am keeping my goals realistic, now, and am looking at taking off only 1-2lbs a week. I lost weight much faster the first time, but now I am only interested in doing it in a healthy way that promotes keeping the pounds off, rather than quick results. There are a lot of studies out there demonstrating how people are more likely to stay in a healthy weight range if they lose the weight slowly, over a long period of time. Also, I refuse to become obsessed.
In other news? I haven't had any assignments to do this week. It feels really weird, like I'm somehow shirking my responsibilities. Usually when I feel that way, it's because I -am- shirking. Huh.