Thank you, Meriam-Webster, but I beg to differ about this one...
The Word of the Day for Aug 06 is:
goober \GOO-ber (the "OO" may be pronounced either as in "food" or as in "good")\ noun : peanut
Example sentence: Gerald has been trying to cut down on salty snacks this year, but he still can't help stealing a few goobers from the candy dish.
Did you know? We're just nuts about the word "goober." It's a regional term, used mainly in the southern and east-central part of the United States. But the plant didn't originate in the U.S.; it's actually native to South America. It was taken from there to Africa, where the local people gave new names to the high-protein legumes. Peanuts traveled back to North America with slave traders, and there English speakers adopted a term from the Bantu languages of central and southern Africa to form "goober." But "goober" isn't the only name for "peanut" that has stuck with us. That snack staple is also known as the "groundnut," "earthnut," and, more rarely, the "pinder," another term that originated in the Bantu languages.
In other news, I've had a few days off in a row, which is terribly exciting, and though I had every intention of using this time to start my packing and whatnot, I haven't, and instead have found myself doing such things as sleeping, reading, playing video games, eating freezies, and walking around downtown. And enjoying myself. However, now I have pretty well used up my dawdle time and cannot put off the inevitable any longer. Thus, this afternoon, in but a few minutes, really, I am going to do some laundry. When I return, I'll have an hour or so before needing to head over to Rick's. We're going to spend a low-key evening watching Hellboy and chillin'. Tomorrow it's Taste of the Danforth, and then I'm coming home to do some sorting. I've got a whole pile of boxes waiting for me at the ROM, which on Sunday, I will flatten out and stuff into a bag to bring home.
On Monday and Wednesday, I'm going to be filling in for Nicole at Nocturnalia while she is at Pensic. That will be fun, because I'll be able to dress in clothes that I can't wear at the ROM. In fact, that's one of the things I am looking forward to about starting school in the fall. I won't be required to wear business casual every day. Woo ! Of course, that's not all I'm excited about. Heh. I'm just not excited about physically moving home. I don't want to rent a truck or van (I'd prefer a van), but them's the breaks. I'm busily examining different moving truck rental prices. I will be able to split some of the cost with Stew, who needs a van, too, but I need a package that won't burn me on the kms because I will have to drive to and from Peterborough. I was so impressed with Discount when Rick and I went to the cottage in their rental car that I am seriously considering renting from them again. I think that the van will be big enough - I've moved with one of them before, and a number of things (books, for instance) will be stored at Rick's house. Anyway, I have to book that soon.
I'm kind of thinking we should have a garage sale, as there's so much crap here, mostly belonging to me, but I dunno. That's more work than I think I have time for. Oh well, more junk for Mom's garage. Anyway, now I'm off to do laundry.
This just in. Plans have to change. I'm now working tomorrow, not Sunday. Hopefully, Rick will be ammenable to this and not mind too much postponing tonight until tomorrow night.