I can't believe how busy I've been and just how busy I will remain until I get to the cottage (which won't be all that relaxing, what with the wedding taking place and all). It hasn't been my favourite kind of busy, either, what with the stress of putting together a wedding outfit and being built the way I am. Anyway, it's all been settled, now, but man, do I ever dislike pressured clothes-shopping. Originally, I had figured a white knee-length skirt to contrast fancily with the black corset I bought, but upon consultation with "Mildred", I decided to opt for a black skirt with black and white striping from the knee to six inches lower. Neat. After much disappointment, Jacob saved me from having to go topless by having the perfect top; and on sale, even. Huzzah. Plus, I'll be able to wear it all again for another wedding in August.
Speaking of weddings, my dearest friend in the whole wide world has finally set a date for her wedding. This after being together for ten years and getting engaged back around Christmas. Yeesh. Anyway, it's set for the 15th of October, 2005. I love autumn weddings. Anyway, it's being held at the Rosedale Golf Club (about which my feelings are mixed) so it will have a lovely view of the ravine. They plan to have a high-noon wedding and then serve a late lunch rather than a dinner, which sounds really charming to me. All these weddings. I think I have a few months off, before I'm a bridesmaid in July of next year and, of course, maid of honour, at Tracy's in October.
I had so much other stuff that I'd meant to write about, deeper stuff. Stuff that engaged my brain. Oh well, another time.