My great week has now been followed-up by a great weekend. I feel so lucky and so happy and satisfied, even though not everything is going the way I want it to. That's life, right? Right. Following up on the idea of life as a spiral, while things look, on the surface, much like they did not so long ago, here I am, looking down, and I can see where I was this time last year and I KNOW I have progressed. I've got school to look forward to in the fall and a summer full of excitement and adventure. I have a boyfriend with whom I am very happy and friends surrounding me. Sure, the money is sometimes tight, but not like it was, and for that I am extremely grateful. I am talented and smart and generally a good person. I have a cat that I adore and plants that are healthy. Things are good.
And bearing that in mind, I now prepare myself for the inevitably unpleasant phonecall to the people at Canada Student Loans.