I am such a mush, it's unreal. Last night, after work, I got home to find Stew watching television. Since we only get three or four channels at any given time he had the Sunday Disney movie on. Tarzan. So, I turned it on, too, but I didn't really start watching until about the half-way point. Within minutes of sitting down in front of the TV I was already crying. I kid you not, the damn movie had me crying. Actually, I really enjoyed it. It came out during the period when I'd gotten really tired of Disney, following The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I probably should have gone to see this one, though. Also, something that I already knew was reaffirmed for me, love it or hate it, Disney wrote the book on facial expressions and they renew their copyright every damn year. Disney is the master of animated characterisations.
Friday night was Cheryl's birthday and Rick and I met everyone at Marlowe on College Street. It was right around the corner from my old place, but when I lived there, there were other restaurants I went to and so I never tried it. It was good, a bit pricey, but the flavours were excellent and I had a dark beer that, while not as good as Barbar Winter Bok, was still very tasty - Leffe Brune. Tons of people showed up including a whole bunch of ex-ROM employees, some of whom I had not seen in a couple of years. Much merriment took place and it seems Rick is a hit with the ROM girls. He got a lecture from Maria about how being called 'cute' isn't a bad thing and Lia told me I had to bring him out lots more because he's fun. It seems that waiting nearly four years to show him off to the girls was a good move. And also, his short hair is a HUGE hit. They dig him. Me too.
This is a crazy week for me. I worked on Saturday and Sunday, today I'm at the membership desk, tomorrow I'm upstairs in the office, Wednesday I'm at training, Thursday I'm on the desk and at training, Friday is the membership preview, and Saturday I'm here again for the public opening of the big Egypt show. *sweats* Plus, I have to finish a proposal I'm working on for a web design contract. Only a few weeks ago, I was complaining that I did not have enough to keep me busy. It doesn't rain, but it pours, as they say. Also, on Saturday, I'm going to try to get out to the Petes for Ryan's nomination (hopefully) as Conservative candidate in Peterborough. My own politics aside, the other two men he's up against make him look like a moderate. I don't know how I'll manage it, since I'm working until two on Saturday, but maybe I can score a ride with A&C, or I'll hop on the bus. I'd like to be there for him, regardless of whether he wins or loses.
Finally, I hope to hear today if I got the VS job. I didn't hear on Friday, obviously, so cross your fingers.
C'est tout.