I was sitting - yes, I managed to get a seat - on the bus this morning and couldn't help but stare at this one particular advert. It's for Much Music's Big Shiny Tunes 8 and it has the CD sort of resting against the stockinged legs of someone wearing a leather miniskirt. This is all we see. But finally, I realised why the ad bothered me. Bothered isn't the right word, but what was -wrong- with the ad; the thigh in the fishnet stockings is very male. Now I know why each time I glimpse that ad I think of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And, speaking of stockings, why is it that though the waistband sits just fine, the crotch always heads for the knees? I mean, good grief, the crotch of my pantyhose is nearly as low as the hem of my skirt. No, I'm not cold, by the way, as I'm wearing my trusty leg warmers that are nearly as old as I am. Sure, they don't quite match, but they're toastier than pants, at least when combined with my long coat.
It was very nice to wake up and look outside to see lots of snow flying around. I don't really get tired of fresh snow falling, at least not until mid-March. The effect of lovely quietude and snowy brightness was lessened, however; due to the City trucks that were making a mess of the street outside my house. I enjoyed a slow rise from bed because it's just so snuggly to wake up with Willi pressed up against me. Also, I have put my new Christmas-present bedspread on my bed and it's warm and fleecy. So warm, in fact, that I've taken my old bedspread right off along with the other quilt I used underneath. A sheet, a flannel, and this cover are more than enough, especially with my space heater working. I might not need the space heater anymore, now, though, because I managed to wrestled the outer door of the sliding doors closed. I haven't been able to get it closed before, but I guess the extreme cold caused it to contract enough to un-snag itself. Hurray for fewer draughts.
So, currently, I'm at the ROM being re-trained for the processing of electronic sales and everything was going fine, but now it isn't and none of us can figure out why. I've decided that the system does not love me anymore. There's a joke in there somewhere, "how many staff does it take to trouble shoot one tiny problem?" At least three. Possibly four. Hey, I never said it would be a funny joke. It's like the computer just decided that nothing would be filed where it ought to be, flipped us the bird, and left for lunch. Now that we think we've fixed the problem, it's taking so long to merge the data and export it that I could take my own lunch and still have to wait. So far, I've been waiting over fifteen minutes for this thing to work. This might mean rebooting. I should have gone for lunch. Oh well.
In other news, I have an interview tomorrow for a short-term contract position that will be running for the duration of the Eternal Egypt exhibit that begins at the end of next month. It would be a fun job, I think, doing educational exhibition interpretation for school groups. It might also be for adult tours, as well, I don't recall. Anyway, I think I would really enjoy waxing educational about Egypt. It's been a long-time interest for me. My only concern, since I'd probably have to give up my data entry work, is that there be enough hours to allow me to live off the income. Other than that, I believe it will be a lot of fun. I'm going to prep for the interview tonight and get up at a reasonable time tomorrow morning to allow me lots of space beforehand in which to make a decent breakfast, putter around the house, etc.