I think that it's safe to say Willi missed me. Her initial glaring having passed, she's now up on my shoulders, happily snoozing, where she's been for about ten minutes now. I have no doubt as to the badness for my shoulders this causes, but it's just too sweet to stop. I could live without her washing my hair for me, mind you, and having seen what happens when long hair comes out the end of a cat, she could probably live without it, too. Anyway, her point is taken. I was gone and she missed me.
I came back from Peterborough at around noon and immediately went and purchased the discount ticket (one day advance purchase) return to London, ON. If you can believe it, even discounted, it cost about 55 bucks. I think that's disgraceful, really. That should be the everyday cost, but I don't run Greyhound, so, if I want to see Tanya, I have to pay. This is another moment of "I miss Scarlette". Taking the bus seriously limits a person and you just never know who's going to be sitting beside you.
Monday is the 15th of the month and I was told I'd get money on the 15th. I've been trying to confirm this with certain people, but they have a sort of slow response time. In the meantime, I have costs that need dealing with, including my frames, which I must have. I figure, I will have to pick them up on Sunday morning, if only to increase my chances of having some money. THIS IS BRUTAL. If I had known how freakin' hard it is to get clients to pay, I would have settled for one of those day jobs that I rejected nearly a year ago. Jeez.
Anyway, I had a nice time in the Petes, brief though the visit was. I was in good spirits and though Mom was suffering some stomach issues, she was in pretty good spirits, too. I bought hair for my sculpture and have since attached it. The figure looks grand. I've brought her back to Toronto so that I can exhibit her at the convention, but I have promised my mother that this is her Christmas present. It can't hurt to put a big, fat SOLD sign on it at the show, though, it always looks good. We also went shopping and sort of dawdled through Portage place. I showed Mom the secret of Ricki's, there, and their excellent array of plus-sized pants. We both got some. Me, a nice pair of aubergine cargos and Mom a smart and sassy pair of black boot-cuts. Whee !
We also ate dinner last night at this pub I'd never been to before. Called St. Verona's, it is a Belgian-styled tavern/restaurant and it serves a whole menu of fancy imported Belgian beers (and a few Dutch and German) and also Belgian-type beer from elsewhere. I experimented with one of their new brews, Barbar Winter Bok, and it was AMAZING. It was very dark, had a nice honey flavour, a wave of maltiness, and no nasty aftertaste. Not at all heavy like Guinness (my other favourite winter drink), it was a party in my mouth and it made my pee smell like grain. COOL. The dinners we enjoyed were also amazing. Beyond this, they played excellent jazz throughout the evening. I have a new favourite restaurant in Peterborough, yessir.
Finally, I would like to congratulate Rick on not smoking for 23 days ! I am soooo proud of him ! GO RICK !!