Tuesday, November 25, 2003

I am about to do something I've never done, personally, but have watched being done many, many times. I am going to put a new stick of RAM (supplied by Rick) into my mother's computer. I think I've come up with a name for her computer, Gaelin. I'm not sure why I want to call it (him) that, but it just now popped into my head and who am I to argue? Anyway, with some luck, I will not be Gaelin's downfall.

Scarlette has gone. She's taking the bright, white tow-truck to the stars, heading for station wagon heaven. Everything has been cleaned out and is waiting for me to sort through it in the garage. I cried again, last night. It's another symbol of growing up and moving on from one stage of life to another. It's kind of like when I stopped going to Rocky Horror when all the cast-members that I knew were retiring. I haven't been back since, but I do miss it. I definitely miss Scarlette. It's not that I mind riding the bus to the Petes, it's an opportunity to read and snooze, or that I -have- to take the TTC anywhere I go in Toronto, or even that I no longer have any choice in the matter. It's nostalgia and fourteen years of my life spent in just that one car. As Tracy said over the summer as we belted ourselves into her, "MMmm, smells just like how Maya's car should smell." And she meant that in a good way. And it's the only car she's ever known us to have. Good bye, Mistress Scarlette, you were the best car, ever.

In other news, I went to A&C's on Sunday and ended up spending the night. Pepper, their cat, was very excited to have a new bed-buddy and A&C were happy to not have Pep waking them at five in the morning. We watched The Two Towers extended version and I liked it much better than I had the theatrical release. I was disappointed that there still wasn't enough Ent, though there was some excellent poetry recited and there was slightly more Entmoot. Also, Eowyn (is that how it's spelled?) was far better developed with less mooning after Aragorn. I was inspired to dream about becoming a stunt rider again, but only for the briefest times as the horses shone on screen.

Carrie, having the day off on Monday, and I went to Yorkdale in the nearly fruitless quest of finding pants for her. Apparently, we are both very a-typically built. It spawned some thought of creating a store that focuses on women of 'weird' design. I also learned just how much weight I really have gained in the last year and it's quite horrifying. I am afraid that some of this is due to my lifestyle, but I think it's safe to say that it is also an effect of two prescriptions that I take. I knew that weight gain could be a significant symptom and was warned that it might be dramatic. Well, it's dramatic. I'm not sure what to do about the meds. I would rather not stop using them as they have been otherwise very beneficial to my well-being.

Anyway, quite amazingly, I still feel some pain from dancing like a maniac on Saturday night. In my elbows, of all places. I really must get out and go dancing more often. Nicole and I, following our dancemania, both agreed that we needed to get out and doing things more often. Not necessarily together, but just out and having a life again. Like dancing. It's just something I think I'm going to have to do for myself because I need it.