It's over. What do you do when it's all over? I'm going into the office later in order to find out the answer to that question. Will there be a job? Will there be something... or is it just tear-down the office and get on with whatever you'd been doing when everything started? It's daunting. It's scary. It's also sad.
Not sad because we won. Yes, we won, and it is sweet. It is sad because it's over.
So, like I said, we won. It was terrifying watching the results tick ever upwards on the television at the bar. One hundred votes separating isn't nearly enough spread to keep a person breathing steadily. It didn't help that City TV kept mussing up the order of ward results, but each time we saw Ward 18, the spread was just a tiny bit greater. Other wards were called at 52%, but ours wasn't called until much later because it was so close. In the end, we took it by a few hundred votes, but it was enough. And it was so sweet. I almost passed out when the checkmark appeared next to A----'s name and then when he arrived about a half hour later, we hugged each other so hard and kissed each other and I started to cry. It was okay, because he was crying too.
I turned to K--- and she let me bawl all over her. It was amazing. I cannot begin to describe the feelings I had last night. Elation? Perhaps. Exhileration? Some of that, sure. Inebriation? Definitely.
And now... What happens next?