So, Tobe is a disgusting cat. Not only did she recently drag her poopy ass all over the living room floor and rug leaving figures that a champion ice skater would be envious of, but last night she puked all over my bedroom. Thanks, Tobe, we appreciate it, really.
Questions copied from Nicole's live journal.
1-If you could go back in time, where would you go?
So many places...
Late Republican/Early Imperial Rome (anywhere in that period)
16th Century Japan
Late 12th Century Low-Countries
Middle Kingdom Egypt
Late Cretaceous Period (I wanna know how the extinction happened)
2-If you could have tea with anyone (dead, alive, fictional) who would it be?
First of all, if I've got a say in it, I'd rather have coffee.
Johnny Depp, Queen Elizabeth, Mary Wollstonecraft, Botticelli, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Julius Caesar
3-What was the last book you bought?
The Wisdom of Nature: The healing powers and symbolism of plants and animals in the Middle Ages
The House of Medici: Its rise and fall
4-What is in your cd player right now?
"mistakes that are still fresh in my mind" Chickdrummer
"The best of the song books" Ella Fitzgerald
"Violator" Depeche Mode
5-What are you currently wearing?
My blue, fleece nightgown witht the polar bears on its front.
6-What is your favourite poem?
"Kubla Khan" Samuel Taylor Coleridge
"The Wife of Bath's Tale" Geoffrey Chaucer
7-Make a wish...what is it?
I have a lot of wishes, but someone once told me that if I spoke them, they would not come true.
8-What are you most grateful for?
My Mother.
9-What part of your personality are you secretly proud of?
Secretly? My strength of character.
Guess it's not a secret anymore.
10-What part would you like to change?
The feelings of guilt.
11-What is your totem animal?
I don't know for sure. Does it have to exist? If not, then a dragon, for sure.
12-If you were a tree, what would you be?
I don't know. Holly or Apple.... though Pine seems to resinate. Get it? Resin?
13-Name 3 places you would like to visit.
Egypt, the UK (in depth), Gabon
14-What part of your body do you like the most?
My mind.
15-Have you ever experienced synchronicity? If so, which was your favourite experience?
I have often experienced it. I have no favourite, it is merely a fact of life.