Wednesday, October 15, 2003

After the amazing Indian Summer we had over the Thanksgiving weekend, autumn has now arrived. It is dreary outside, cloudy and wet, and all I want to do is go back to bed. I can feel hibernation mode setting upon me. Where there was colour on the trees, now it is on the ground, the intense gusting wind and rain speeding the fall of leaves. It's cold now, too, reminding us all that November, the most depressing month of the year, is soon to be upon us.

And, much in the spirit of rain/snow on Hallowe'en, tonight I'm on election sign crew and you can bet I'll be wearing layers.

I've spent some time today (at Mom's) trying to make her Internet connexion work. Okay, the connexion is fine, it's her email that is doing bizarre things, but she tends to call it all the same thing. I -think- I have solved the problem, but now I'm waiting for the various test emails to arrive in my account. Somewhere along the way, they disappear. I am still inclined to blame Hotmail, since I recently received several of the same email over the course of three days. One never knows, though. Sympatico is often worth blaming, too, so it's a toss-up for now.

Anyway, I do not have a lot to say, though I did have a nice time on Monday night at Julie's house for Tania's birthday, but I just can't be bothered to write about it. I'm just too sleepy.