The Weather Network is predicting rain for every damn day this week. Well, dang. Today it's really sticky and blah. On a sidenote, did you know that the USA counterpart to the TWN is ripe with advertising? In Canada, current conditions scroll on the bottom, in the States it's advertising. It's pretty strange. I spent a significant amount of this afternoon asleep. It seems that after this past weekend I was tired. Who'd have thought it? Minimal sleep, maximum activity... I feel kind of cruddy now, though, and I can't tell if it's because I'm still tired, or what. I'm kind of queasy, and again, I can't tell if it's because I need to eat something, or because I'm tired, or what. I should probably risk eating in order to rule one of them out.
Willi is currently sleeping on the top of Natasha's monitor where it is nice and warm and she can have a fairly unrestricted view of my room and the hallway. It isn't a bad place to snooze, I suppose, but she does have a tendency to dangle a paw or her tail over the edge, naturally getting in the way of my work. It's like her need to sit directly on whatever section of the newspaper I'm reading. Typical. Anyway, on the Kitty Front, things have been going very well. Tobe has become more playful in her attacks and Willi, while not actually answering the former's calls to come play, does go and look. The peeing in my chair has pretty much stopped, though once in a while my little Stink forgets and assumes the position, but all I have to do is clear my throat and she hops down and into the litter. Yay !
So, I should talk a little about my fun weekend. The Rennaisance Faire was good fun, as it always is, and I bought a mug from a lovely potter there to replace the one that Willi threw to the floor a few weeks back. It was meant to be my new second favourite mug, but I think it's usurped the previous favourite to appropriate the number one spot. It's pretty nice, a little reminiscent (in my mind, anyway) of Dykman pottery, but with a lovely earthy blue and brown glazing. Hurray for stoneware. Of course, it pissed with rain on Saturday, but rather than letting it thwart our enthusiasm, we, mostly, braved the weather and participated in games and theatrical events. I did some knife tossing, something that is MUCH harder than it looks, and I played some bacci ball and skittles. Let me explain skittles for the uninformed. It's like bowling, sort of, in that there are pins and a ball, but the ball is tied by a tether to a poll. You swing the ball and aim to take out all nine pins. There's a referree that catches the ball so that more are not knocked down on the return swing. You get two swings and then the ball is passed to the opponent. The object is to take out as many pins as possible. I am a much better skittle player than I am a bowler and I succeeded in taking down all my opponents, including Ben and Rick. Apparently, it was a favourite sport of Queen Elizabeth I, or something.
Speaking of bowling, because of the nonesense of the pub's strictness about being of age (despite our fifty+ patrons who were dropping a LOT of money), we went to the neighbouring bowling alley and had a couple of games. Rick took the first against Ben and myself, and had our time not run out right in the middle of the last turn of our second game, I think I'd have won that one. Unfortunately, following that, we went back to the pub where some nasty strange guy thought I might like it if he ground his cock against my butt as I tried to get to the bar. From the expression on his face as I turned around, I suspect he gathered, quite correctly, that it had NOT been a good idea. Another member of our group, known on the game as Darshanin, apparently had an even nastier experience when someone actually whipped his little wiggly out to show her. God damn, that is VILE. Needless to say, the Reunion committee is now scouting for new locations for next year. Ideally, we'd love to rent some private land and camp there, etc. Next summer will be the tenth anniversary of the game and it's going to be a big event. Anyway, if you know anyone in the environs of southern Ontario with a few acres of field, who'd be willing to rent to some well behaved gamer geeks for about four days, let me know !
Anyway, I still need to eat, so I'm going to do that now. I'll write more soon.