Sunday, August 10, 2003

It was a fairly quiet day at the ROM today, so much so that the majority of my shift was spent discussing personality types according to this weird booklet that Joane brought in. It was eerily accurate. Anyway, we managed to analyse every person working in the office upstairs plus ourselves. How... enlightening. Actually, I shouldn't be sarcastic, it was pretty interesting. Joane explained that some of the stuff it talked about actually mirrored the thesis she wrote for her Masters.

Following work, I changed my shirt and then headed over to A___'s parents' house where we had a snack (popcicles and yogurt - how very kindergarden) before heading out to do some canvassing. I've been canvassing once before but hadn't the courage at the time to go to doors by myself. Today, despite, or maybe due to, the rain, I had a lot of fun going it alone. I talked to a lot of people, some very responsive and interested. There was a tiny misadventure, though. A____ made the suggestion that I leave my purse in the car rather than drag it along, which was a perfectly reasonable suggestion. I stashed it beneath my seat and covered it with some crap I had in the back seat before getting out of the car. I walked A____ through the "how to lock an old Japanese car's front door" several times before he got it right and then we headed out, umbrellas in hand. When the rain let up, I started to take them back to the car when it dawned (or is it donned) on me that my keys were in my purse, which was, of course, cleverly stashed away in my locked car. Oh, bravo.

Needless to say, I called CAA and in short order my car was unlocked. The CAA guy was like something out of a cartoon or movie, with his cigarette hanging off his bottom lip as he talked to me, kind of rough and tumble looking, and just a bit inappropriate with his comments. In a good way. Hehehe. Anyway, I have now learned just how ridiculously easy it is to break into my car. Honestly, it took him under ten seconds and that includes conversation. So, CAA saved the day and after that, my keys remained in A____'s pocket for safe keeping.

As a change in subject matter, the crickets have started to sing - that age-old indicator of the summer's mid-way point. Oh sad. I love ths sound of crickets but they do serve to remind me that in a month the leaves will just be starting to turn and that in only a couple months we'll be remarking how short the days are getting. Of course, today you would not have believed it possible that we could ever have an autumn in Toronto. It's been hot and muggy, especially muggy, over the last few days. Today, canvassing in the rain was just gross. I could feel the sweat running down my skin and when it wasn't sweat it was rain; big, warm, splatters of rain.

One more unrelated thing: Last night, I bought myself my birthday present. I had a tiny bit of disposable income and there was this nifty little hat shop on the Danforth... Let's just say that after much deliberation, the lush green pith helmet found a home on my head. A childhood desire has been fulfiled with this purchase, even if it's not a -real- safari hat, it's close enough. I'm such a nerd.