I'm finally beginning to get over my post-Gahan euphoria, which is a bit of a shame, but as it's slowly passing, I can still hold to what I previously wrote. Really, it was that good. And yes, I was, naturally, completely sober. I can also manage to type a little more coherently, now, as well, so I will write a little more about the adventures of yesterday.
Tracy came over at about 11am. She was supposed to CALL me around 12:30 or so, but as it turned out, since people were coming to see the house, I was awake. Shock of shocks. We sat outside as the people to see the house attempted to come in, but it seems the real estate agent was an utter dolt as he couldn't make the key work. Bully for us. Tracy and I went for sushi and then walked around for a bit. We discovered, after the fact, that Dave Gahan had been signing at The Edge while we were wandering about. Had I just checked their website, I would have known and we'd have met him and had things signed. Shit.
We came back to my place and got changed and made up. Damn, Tracy looks good in my pleather pants. I do NOT look good in them, currently, as I'm wider than I was three years ago. We walked from Queen's Quay to the Kool Haus and found the line was quite alright. We were later arriving than we had intended, but it made no difference since we still got right close to the stage. Naturally, we chatted with a guy in the line - The Devoted talk to each other all the time. Tracy avoided drinking water so that she would not need to pee. I didn't worry about it because mine is a bladder of steel. Also, I knew from experience that the water sold by the hotdog guy would be much cheaper than that sold inside the venue.
When we went through the gate, the security girl tried to confiscate my bottle of water and I had to stop her before she threw it out. "Hey, can't I drink that here?!" "Oh, yes, sorry about that." So, I chugged my water and tossed the bottle out. As I passed through the turnstile I said something along the lines of, "Yeesh, you'd think she was a customs officer or something." The Kool Haus does this thing where they scan the ticket, rather than rip it, so you get to keep the ticket intact. It's too long to fit in my wallet with my DM tix from their last two shows, but I'm sure I'll find somewhere to put it.
Tracy and I both bought the ridiculously expensive shirts, taking turns so as not to lose our spot near the stage. While she was buying, I met Christine, a lovely woman who promises to send me the photos she took. After bonding with her, we met and introduced ourselves to Ross and Lindsay, another pair of Devotees. We all stuck together and discussed our levels of devotion, etc. Ross got asked if he was Dave Gahan's son, who was apparently there filming, and apparently, very similar in appearance to Ross. "If I say yes, will you buy me a beer?" Hee.
Following the show, Christine, Tracy and I walked back to Queen's Quay, which was a MUCH longer walk than it had been before we'd stood around, danced and freaked out on concrete in heels. Oh my poor feet. They are still aching today. Actually, ALL of me is still aching. We rode the subway north with her and then parted ways with promises to keep in touch. When we got off the streetcar and turned down my street, I decided I was familiar enough with the sidewalk to risk taking my boots off. It wasn't much of an improvement. Honestly, cutting off my feet last night might have been the only improvement available, though not terribly rational.
Right now, I'm listening to Paper Monsters and reliving some of it in my head. And, since I called myself from the concert last night, I can listen to Dave and the audience for as long as I continue to save the message.
Today, I woke up at 11 again - the hell? - and set about my day. My head was hurting and my whole body hurt, even, or maybe especially, my toes and calves. I did drag myself out of the house to join Rick at the Cafe Diplomatico back in my old neighbourhood. It was a fine, tasty, late lunch. I had the spicy (which they weren't, but that is okay) mussels and a strawberry daquiri. Rick had the calamari and shrimp plate. Both were tasty. We had ice cream at the parlour down the street from my old house, something I certainly do miss, and then headed over to his place to watch The Two Towers. We had dinner at the Chinese place by his house and it was better than the last time, but still, not that great, though the shrimp rolls were very tasty.
Tomorrow, I am accompanying He Who Shall Not Be Named to a lunch function. I get to be an arm charm ! Whee ! Then, Ben, my friend in Philly, is coming up for the Realms of Despair Reunion and we'll be heading to the Fox for reunion fun in Mississauga. Whoowee ! It's going to be a fun and busy weekend. Too bad I'm still poor. As I said, I spent money on an overpriced shirt, so that is all the fun money I've got. Had. Rick's covering my food this weekend. I've got enough to pay to get into the Renn Faire and for gas, etc., but that's about it. However, I can pay my rent, and I've got a bit more money owed me. I'm feeling positive tonight - things are okay !