Whoa - Eric B. of TTrek mention just sent me the keenest link ! Do you want to view the International Space Station? Go here !! Thanks, Eric ! You know, of the multitude of highschool friends that I thought I'd stay in touch with, I've kept up with almost none of them, or had fallings out with. Eric, and a scant few others, pops into my life every few months to a year or so and I think I've decided to stay in touch this time. Mostly, the few I've managed to hold onto are scattered to the four winds, so it's a bit tricky, but sometimes it's worth it. Thanks for having patience, Briggs, sometimes it takes me a little while to realise the good eggs in a basket of bad.
Also, he has quickly figured out that I have an ego. Do you want to check me out? Hell yes, you do ! Hey, I said YES YOU DO ! Get back here. Eric checked the TTrek website and discovered that photos have been posted. You should go see them. The costumes were pretty varied and keen this year. Also, here are three pictures of yours truly. One: at the dance. Two: still dancing - and look, Nicole's taken her top off !. Three: See? Sexy school marm Potter-esque chic.
Okay, I have to let Tobe out of Stew's room. Almost as soon as I'd typed the last cat update, all hell did break loose.