Did I mention that I updated my Elfwood galleries? Well, I did. Check out my fantasy gallery and my sci-fi gallery to see the new stuff. Go, see it ! Leave comments !
I was watching National Geographic on TVO tonight and it was about the reintroduced wolves in Yellow Stone. Willi reacted when the wolves were howling, sitting bolt upright and looking for them. I had to change the channel, though, because I just couldn't deal with the amount of killing that was being shown in the documentary. Yes, alright, wolves are specialised hunters and it's a harsh world they live in, but seriously, with a death every five minutes, or so, I'd probably seen five or six in half an hour and that was enough. Before that, I watched the end of a British costume drama that I almost immediately identified as Tess of the D'ubervilles. I read it about four years ago and rather enjoyed it, but the televised version really played up the ridiculous late romantic melodrama to the point where it was almost painful.
I have managed not to get much of the work I needed to do done. Bad me, no biscuit.
However, I discovered that at the Musuem of Civilisation in Hull, pardon me - Gatineau, is showing, and has been since December, a traveling exhibition about the bog people ! You know, those people who were sacrificed (or, if you prefer, died by human hand, on purpose for a cause) and then ceremonially drowned in the peat bogs of Northern Europe and the UK. I think I'm going to try to get there either next week, if I make to the cottage, or in August. It's apparently caused some controversy because people felt that the corpses among the artifacts were disrespectful to the dead and sensational. People need to get a life and protest things that matter. And didn't they know? Controversy only creates more interest in such exhibits. Dorks.
Anyway, I have a union meeting tomorrow at lunchtime so I should think about going to bed. Stew's wonderful goddaughter is coming over tomorrow, plus Stew's sister, ex-Tobe owner, Lucy. Maybe the goddaughter's mother, and Rick will be coming over too. Big barbeque fun for all ! Now's the time to visit since there's no one living downstairs anymore. :)
Finally, click this.