Calling Tobe the Vomit Bullet is apt, it seems, as today, as she so often does, she hurled again. And I mean hurled. There was kitty vomit full of breakfast and hairball goodness. God, it was vile. Willi, on the other hand rarely needs to throw up, however; she gets walked to the bathroom twice a day in order to fascilitate her NOT peeing in my bedroom. She is currently sleeping on my desk, a place that puts her right next to me, her favourite person, and also out of the reach of the demonic Bullet. It's cute, but she does impede my work when she sits up or stretches, or washes her bottom. I find myself looking around her rather than moving her. I am accomodating. The humans that belong to cats are easily whipped. Yesterday, Willi received a piece of hotdog from Stew. Bad Stew.
My dinner, last night, went quite well. It was far more interesting than the union meeting beforehand, which I'll skip over entirely. Auntie Karen, as I'm now calling her, helped me develop a job hunting strategy. I'll take all the help I can get at this point. She does not believe I should compromise my skills, merely refine the manner in which I look for employment. Basically, I'm to report to her at the end of the summer to discuss all the steps I will have taken by that point (if I am not already working). And, it would be very helpful if I did not let my pride get in the way of the things I need. Stupid pride, always getting in the way. I won't go into it here, as some of this is really no one's business by mine and hers, but suffice it to say that she was helpful and fun, and a delicious chef. Thanks so much, Karen !
Progress is being made for this weekend. It's Toronto Trek this weekend and, yes, I will be working it with Nicole at her booth. I was a bit late signing up for the artshow so all the panels were taken. This is kind of sucky, but at the fee of $16, it's still worth it to display my art on a table. I'm alright with this. I spoke with the co-ordinator of the show/auction and it shouldn't really be a problem. I also discussed the Worldcon that will be taking place here at the end of August. The fees are enormous, requiring a membership to the convention in order to hang art, and the entry fee to the art show is also very costly (but nothing compared to the membership fees). It has a reputation for allowing artists to network and whatnot, and it attracts a high calibre of work, but the fees, the fees... I don't know. I cannot believe that it would truly be worth it, or that my work is good enough, or even that anyone would actually buy anything. Anyway, that's for another time.
Rick is studying for one of his computer certification exams that he is finally planning to take this and next weekend. It's about frickin' time. I'm very happy that he's actually going through this because I really don't want him to box himself in. Being proactive shows that, even though he is currently employed, he keeps up with things and takes an active interest in bettering himself. That's something -I- would look for in a technical worker, anyway. Good luck to him with his exams.
Now, if you've got nothing else to do and feel like killing some more time, go to Google and type weapons of mass destruction into the search line - don't use quotations or anything - then rather than clicking search, hit the I'm feeling lucky button. Good stuff !