I'm going to take a break from writing about Detroit for a moment - I haven't run out of things to say, I just feel like talking about something else at the moment.
First of all, I found one of my favourite, terrible, mildly demented, strangely sad, and kind of amusing short films. I saw it first before a screening of Rocky Horror a few years back and I loved it. It helps to be in that sort of mind frame to begin with, but it's still amusing on its own. I couldn't remember what it was called, though, until today. Titler. Yes. Imagine Hitler, dressed in black ladies' evening wear, singing rewritten showtunes and there you have Titler. I'm not promising that it's mature, or not UTTERLY OFFENSIVE, but if you're willing to see something weird and silly and can put your bleeding-heart liberal, politically corrected mindset in a box for about seven minutes, go here to view it. You'll have to scroll down a bit, but not much. Look for the black and white image of someone smoking. Titler has a website, too, titler.com, but it sucks because it's trying to be cool and instead comes out as visual vomit, tripped out on acid.
I went to Derek's last night to watch The Animatrix and, sort of like when I saw The Matrix Reloaded, I was kind of disappointed. Some of the animation was incredible - there's a piece by the same studio that put out Final Fantasy and it's pretty impressive. There's one that looks rotoscoped and I enjoyed it quite a bit, and another of more classicly styled anime with a girl and her cat... It was okay. Out of nine, or however many shorts, I really liked two, sort of liked two others, and the rest was just sort of nice eye-candy. I also watched the incredible and utterly unMatrixy film, Baraka. It was amazing. I don't know why I always refused to watch it with Derek at other times, but this time I did and it was stunning. It is without dialogue, telling its story only through awesome imagery of the world's places and people... If you haven't seen it, do so, but only if you have a screen larger than 21" as it's in widescreen and visually demanding. If it comes back to the rep cinemas, I'm going to try to see it again.
Anna and Massimo's wedding, going back to last weekend, was a pretty nice wedding. First of all, no one tried to kill anyone, despite the large amount of imbibing that was going on at the open bar. As I previously noted, we ate for three and a half hours. That's a lot of food, let me tell you. Seven courses, including pasta, chicken and veal, salad, seafood, and of course, lots of wine. It was pretty good, though the seafood was a little lacking. Anna's dress was very beautiful, simple lines with simple beaded embroidery and skinny straps (she can get away with that sort of thing). Rick and I shared a table with his parents and other family types and conversation flowed freely. At one point I was persuaded to hang a spoon from my nose... it's a party trick that people just don't tire of, for some reason. There was a dj as well as a live band that didn't suck, but way too many couply songs were played. I was impressed by how all the Italians knew how to dance all sorts of ballroom styles. I wish I better knew how to, as well, it looks nice and it's fun.
Rick and I stayed in a nice hotel paid for by his parents. Kingsized beds rock. That's all I have to say. It was also very nice to take a whirlpool bath at 2am. It wasn't as nice a bathtub as the one at my Mom's place, but it was quieter. After that, sleep came easy and deep.
Alright. Enough for now. I have to go to the gym and put my membership on hold as I'm currently too poor to afford it and I'm not going so much now that it's nice outside.