Gay Bear
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
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I had Grumpy Bear when I was a kid. I love this kind of continuity. Nevermind the obvious...
So, on the 14th, I got to help Joane (at the ROM) develop a scavenger hunt within the Egyptian gallery. She didn't know that much about Egypt, which might have had something to with her trouble coming up with questions. Anyway, we got really into it and as we came up with half decent questions, she got an impromptu guided tour. I'd forgotten how much I actually know about Egypt despite having dropped out of archaeology. Making up the questions killed close to two hours of an otherwise ridiculously slow day. SARS, on top of the renovation gallery closures in the museum have combined to nearly wipe out our visitor numbers. You actually have to wonder why they even bother to open... Now, normally, I would never say this, but really, the ROM might consider closing two days of the week, or something, like on Mondays and Tuesdays, or something. It would save money considering how few people are coming in.
Following the ROM, I came home and changed and then headed over to Booboo's house to help B______ and K________ set up for a community barbeque. The barbeque was the follow-up to the Holly Jones Take Back the Day Walk that Booboo was helping to head up. Here are some newslinks: Pulse24; The National Post; The Toronto Sun (cough). Anyway, that was a fun event, and we were filmed by Global and CTV as well. I might have been on television, but if I was, I missed it. *laugh* Today, while I was out canvassing, he showed me a couple of clippings about yesterday's event. It was very successful, even if it did mean that B_______, K______ and I had to lug all the supplies a couple of blocks to the park and then cook up two hundred weiners.
I went to Mezzetta with Rick for dinner, which was very delicious. You just have to love the lamb shish and Sultan's Stew... Also, I desperately wanted an iced tea for some reason, which is unlike me as it's not my drink of choice. It did hit the spot, however; following the barbeque. We came back home and watched Blazing Saddles before I needed to conk out. I was just exhausted.
Strangely, this morning, I woke up to discover I needed to throw up. How nice. I had to call out of work - annoying since i need the money - and went back to bed. It was awful. When I awoke at two in the afternoon, I felt magically delicious, as if I'd never been sick. So, I got up, went and bothered Stew, played with the cats and got dressed. I took Stew on a search for lumber (he's building shelves) and then went to join He Who Shall Not Be Named (though he's quoted in one of the above links...) for canvassing fun. We had some good success and I'll be ready to go solo next time, now that I know the spiel. It was fascinating. You can tell a lot about the people living in a house just by how their garden is tended. Following that, we ate in a local Cuban restaurant and then went home to do work, to our respective homes, rather.
New on the Kitty Front: THINGS ARE GOING MUCH BETTER. More news to follow and remaining Detroit comments in the next few days.