Friday, May 09, 2003

Willi peed in my vent.

Okay, stop laughing. I came home from work yesterday and found my room smelling very strongly of the unique and rather unpleasant odour of cat urine. It seems that while she appears to be getting along better when I'm home, she turns into a bit of a basket case when I'm at work. When cats are unhappy, they show it in many ways. One of them being peeing in strange places. Like, for instance, when Tanya's cat peed in my suitcase; he was suffering a bladder infection. Willi is suffering a strange cat in her home. Anyway, I poured some Pinesol down the vent and it has mostly neutralised the scent, though there is a slight smell when you get close to the vent. At least it was the vent and not my bed, clothing, or closet. Today, happily, she seems to be getting on quite well and showing the distinct symptoms of boredom. She's gone out into the rest of the house, dug about in the litter, climbed onto many surfaces where she doesn't belong... all signs point to her doing better. And, so far, no more peeing in my vent.

I spent a lot of time working on stuff for Booboo. I'll be invoicing soon enough. Thank goodness, I really need some money. Today, I plan to repot (finally) my spider plant. I mean, 'repot', isn't exactly the right word since she's not in a propper pot now. Willi threw her off the microwave twice and the plant has been living in a jagged terracotta mess for months. It hasn't stopped her from having babies and flowers, and she refuses to believe that she can't be root bound because she has no pot. Hell, she barely has soil. Anyway, that's my big plan for today. I'll get to the rooting crysanthamums (I know that's not how it's spelled...) that live in a bottle when I get a pot that is tall enough for them. It will require me to shatter the bottle to free the significant amount of root growth.

Oh yes, I must apply to some jobs today, as well. I downloaded a number of them yesterday and today I have to sit down and do some coverletter rewritting and whatnot. I really mean to find myself a new and interesting job - preferably in a field where I have experience and knowledge. My goal is to do so by July. I have never really had to do a job search like this before. I usually just fell into them, so this is a learning process. I think I bring a lot of good quality and ability to the jobs I do and I know something is bound to turn up. Back before Christmas, John of Heretic read my cards and told me that I was either going to make a move in March or July. I had the chance to make a move for March and turned it down. That was the job where Al works with the owner from Sheepshead Bay. I don't regret turning it down, I stand by my reasons, so tempting though it was. So, I'm aiming for July. John's not usually wrong and July's only a couple of months away.

Wow, I'm in a really good headspace today. Go me !