Last night, around the time I first though about going to bed, the phone rang. An emergency, last-minute communications piece was in the process of being written and could I please, please, please, do the graphics for it? Well, heck. That's what I'm here for, right? So, several phonecalls later, and me taking copious notes over the phone, I sat down at my computer to bang this thing into life. Now, a couple of hours after that first thought of bed, I sent it off for approvals and did, in fact climb into bed. The first thing I did when I got up was to turn on Natasha and check to see what changes needed making. So, I did so and was about to send it on down the chain of 'getting done' when I get a stop-the-presses sort of email. Several phonecalls later, with much too much effort having been expended on several fronts, the project was put on hold.
They're not even in government, yet, and it all feels sort of small-time West Wing. Oh well, I signed up for this.
I got an email from Richard, today, that cuts my data entry shift and the shifts of both Tony and Aman as well for next week. Oh. Yay. At least we saw this coming. There just isn't enough for us to do in the office at the moment. Memberships, just like the attendence, have fallen off. Did they really thing membership wouldn't suffer as the ROM began the lengthy process of demolition and construction? Yes, it's staying open, but they big-wigs, in their infinite wisdom, closed one of the largest draws to the museum, the children's hands-on Discovery Gallery. It's only one of the most successful children's galleries in the world that draws other major institutions to study its unparalleled popularity. Anyway, the long and the short of it is, we aren't selling enough memberships to warrant three of us coming in a couple times a week.
The cats... I know my mother enjoys reading my cat logs, so I'll give a brief update. Pork Chop has reached the stage in socialising that has her trying to bite Stinky's bum as she runs by, and invades my bedroom to try and entice Stinky to play (well, not always, but those pricked-up ears and arched tail speak volumes). To be quite frank, Stinky wants nothing to do with the other, and these invasions of her space really tick her off. Sometimes they get out of hand, too, when Tobe lands on Willi and fur flies. Tobe also has no idea how to play, with cat or human, with her claws retracted. Okay, it took Willi a long time to learn to stop, so there's hope. Anyway, to make a long story short, the Chop needed some time out after a particularly unpleasant, unwarranted attack on the Stink, and I wrestled her and her talons to the floor, grabbed her up, and chucked her into Stew's room, slamming the door. While I did this to give Willi a chance to eat her dinner, I can't really feel too sorry for my cat because this is how she behaved at my mother's house when she first came out to visit.
Tonight, despite the very cold, wet weather, I barbequed a couple of steaks. Stew baked some potatoes (that was a bit of an adventure) and I made asparagus. Stew has fed me several times since arriving and so I felt it was necessary to do the same for him. Also, it was really time for the asparagus to be eaten. Our tummies are happy this eve.