Okay, Blogger is a spazz today.
I forgot to mention that on Saturday, after work and before D&D, I went to One Big No, the artist protest against the US in Iraq. There was an art exhibition of activist art, most of it beyond terrible, and tons and tons of musical acts that were performing, most of whom were really quite good. The highlight of my two hours there was definitely the Kurdish musicians and dancers who did a rollicking performance on the mainstage. I was happy to see a wide dichotomy of people attending. One of the arguments made against the No side of the war debate is that it's all just a bunch of white, middle class, 'bleeding heart' liberals. Well, not at this protest. I would say that every colour, faith and status was represented here at this family-friendly protest. I can't say who turned out for the night time acts, as I wasn't there, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a similar make-up. If there was one thing that surprised me, though, was the tiny, nearly invisible presence of the NDP. I would have thought that they'd be out in full force, but they really weren't.
On a different note, I just got off the phone with the woman who called about my resume. It's for an entry level design/art job with an advertising agency. It's not in the big creative or production departments, rather it would be with the accounting dept., producing art specifically for them for presentations, etc. It's not sexy, but it would be an excellent foot in the door. The company is located right at Yonge and Bloor (mmmmm, good eats...) and I have an interview at 10am on Wednesday !! She wanted me to come in tomorrow, but I am at the ROM, and though I could probably take an hour and a half off, and walk over, Wednesday allows me more time to prepare a portfolio. Go me !