Thursday, March 20, 2003

The Gaggle of Grannies is at the ROM today, working in membership, and I kid you not, they're talking about Churchill and the Second World War again. There is a new face and she has an accent of some sort, possibly Germanic, so they'd better be careful about what they say. Well, at least they don't feel that Bush is remotely similar to Churchill. Whew, like that was even a possibility.

I'm having some kind of allergic reaction on my hands. I get this sometimes, always localised to the skin between my fingers and the heel of my thumb and soft fleshy part below my pinky near the wrist. It's related to something I'm either washing with or touching, but unfortunately, that could be just about anything. It's wickedly itchy, the reaction bringing up tiny little blisters that drive me insane. It's completely irritating and I'm sure that scratching the rash only makes it worse, but if I don't scratch, it keeps on itching. Ahh ! It is probably a soap that is doing this. Gar.

Last night, I went to A&C's for fun and profit. Wait, no, that's wrong. Fun. Just fun. I got to see the enormous pile of photos developed from the disposable cameras that had been placed on the tables. There were a lot of very bad pictures. There were some that weren't so bad and there were even a few that were pretty good. Carrie and I were completely annoyed that the final ten minutes of Law and Order was pre-empted by Lloyd Robertson and the CTV news team to talk about absolutely nothing. "In a little less than twenty-five minutes, we will be going live to President Bush..." So? Did you -have- to cut away? So, Carrie and I flipped from one channel to the next, only to see the same camera shot of Bagdad at dawn on each one, with stuffy people talking about relatively nothing. We decided to watch Bush's talk, and honestly, the man is such an uninspired speaker that we had tuned out in under a minute in order to look at old drawings that Carrie had done. The one thing I learned in the whole time we watched the reports, live from Bagdad, was that people were still getting into their cars and heading to work, the city did not grind to a halt because some missiles were dropped. I felt very bad for the people of Bagdad, actually, trying to go about their lives while two crazy dictators flexed their muscles for dominance.

So, the war has begun. It was ushered in by no videogame pictures of anti-aircraft fire, the city lit by green night vision lenses. I am incredibly sad that it has come to this. That the USA is staging this pointless war in order to stake out a claim as the mightiest power in the world... I can only hope that the New Rome doesn't take three hundred years to fall. What will be left of the world then?

I don't want to talk about it anymore.