Monday, February 17, 2003

My day began well enough and now I only hope that it continues thus. For a start, I didn't lounge about in bed like I usually do, which is more a product of awaking tired than being lazy. No, today, I was aware of my stereo going off and then by my alarm twittering like a chickadee on ritalin. I didn't flop back down into bed like usual, though, no, I sat up, played with my cat, and climbed out of bed. The result? Timely arrival at work !

Anyway, let me return to this past week, since I gave mention of various things last night that deserve better attention. Firstly, Rick came out to the Petes with me on Saturday when I had finished work at the ROM. We packed up the cat and my laundry and headed out for we had tickets to the PSO. The concert was amazing. The soloist was John Rudolph who is the principle percussionist for the TSO and he gave a resounding performance. It was super. Then, leaving Mom and Ray at the reception, Rick and I headed to Al's parent's place for a jack-and-jill. That was fun, and I didn't meet half the people there, but good times were had.

Sunday was a good deal of fun as well. I attended a bridal shower for Carrie at an aunt's house (Carol) where there was delicious food and very merry company, including one very jolly baby. I got there late, naturally, mostly because my mother wouldn't stop talking despite my saying I had to get ready. Not that I've ever done that. *snicker* I came home and Ray joined us all for dinner, which was fun. Rick seemed to have a good time out there - each time he loosens up a little more. And Mom's cat, Chester, now finds him to be merely an irritation, rather than something terrifying and to be avoided at all costs.

I dropped Rick off at the Greyhound terminal early Monday morning and then came home and went back to bed. I didn't get dressed at all that day. It was great. On Tuesday, nothing much happened, but Mom and I went to see Chicago. Ray didn't like it (he came, too), but me and Mom enjoyed it thoroughly. The choreography was very much under the influence of Bob Fosse, the show's original choreographer, and there were a number of shots reminiscent of Cabaret. I found a pretty good review of the film that reflects my personal opinion quite well, though I would add that Queen Latifa is also the most sensual and sexual character in the entire show. Damn, she was awesome.

Wednesday had Mom and I running some errands, which was kind of fun in a bland sort of way. However, following that, we went to a PSO related dinner where we mingled with musicians, board members, volunteers, and whatnot. The event was held at the Peterborough Golf and Country Club and the food was excellent. I had to teach the bartender how to make a bourbon sour, though, which was sort of fun and exciting. I felt... suave.

Unfortunately, Thursday and the early part of Friday were spent not at the ROM as they ought to have been, but in bed, in the Petes, with a migraine. That was a definitely downer. Happily, I was still able to attend the charity Valentine's dinner in Stoney Creek with Rick and his family, which was kind of fun, though the venue sucked. There isn't much else to tell. I've had a relatively uneventful couple of days since then. Nick is in Philadelphia, experiencing heavy snowfall and visiting friends, which means the appartment is very quiet (except when Willi is yelling).

Oh, speaking of Willi, she caught a mouse the night before last ! Hooray for Stinky-Bee ! She almost caught it while Derek was over (he came by to make me watch Brazil, which was pretty fascinating as far as films go, though I'm not sure it lived up to the hype), but was foiled when she fell into her waterbowl and snagged her foot on my hat (why was my hat under the couch?). Undaunted, she must have pursued her quarry throughout the night and when I awoke the following morning and walked into the living room, lo, there upon the rug was most of a mouse, carefully laid out for me to see. I gave her much praise and then immediately whisked it away into the garbage.

Tomorrow, I'm going to A&C's for girlish smashy-smashy (translates to playing Dark Alliance all day with Carrie) and then I'm doing dinner there for Buffilicious fun. Mom's coming into town tomorrow, too, because on Wednesday she will be in hospital getting checked out by a rheumatologist in order to hopefully get a final diagnosis one way or the other. I'm trying to reschedule my work shifts with Aman so that I can be there with her for support.