After much thought and agonising over numbers and timelines and career options I come to a decision. It's an important decision and still one that does not leave me entirely satisfied.
First of all, on Monday, I was offered the sales job. I told my prospective boss that I would think about it, and in two days, I did a heavy amount of thinking. I sought out the opinions of those around me including that of Richard (a ROM manager) and of Anthony (a friend who works as a game artist, formerly of Legend Ent.). Both were of two minds, both talked of the pros and cons. My mother did some budget crunching, as did I, and we came up with similar findings. Ultimately, though I like the company and Donald, he who would have been my boss, and I'd have gotten to work with Al (big plus, there), I think now is the wrong time. Had I been offered a higher salary, I might have been swayed differently, but if I keep my freelance work with Adam and pick up another client, I will actually make more than the job would have paid. It was a very tough decision and I'm not entirely persuaded that I chose rightly, but I have decided. Corporate sales simply wouldn't allow me to spend time working freelance or even leaving me with much energy for any drawing.
What is it they say? "Do what you want and the rest will follow." Well, I'm not sure what 'the rest' is, but I am going to find out.
More decisions were made, too, or rather, one other important one. I have decided not to move. The fact is, the idea of boxing all my stuff up and shlepping it all to god-knows-where in a U-haul does not blow my skirt up. I'm going to look for a new roommate, maybe somebody knows of someone, preferably a woman (for Rick's sake, more than mine) or a gay man. I'll take over Nick's room and rent my old space. It's a lot easier to move down the hall than it is to move across the city. Living on my own can wait another year and when it comes, it will be all the sweeter for the wait. Or something.
So, there you have it. Be it for good or for bad, this is what I've decided to do. Do I feel better? Ya, I guess I do, or at least relieved.