This Freaky-Tie Friday brought to you by Maya's political pics:
Bev Meslo will lose on first ballot and back Lorne Nystrom. Pierre Ducasse will lose and back Joe Comartin. Joe Comartin will be up against the front runners Bill Blaikie and Jack Layton. Nystrom will lose and back Blaikie. Comartin will back Layton. It will be a tight fight for Blaikie and Layton, but because Layton has no Federal political experience and would end up being the third consecutive party leader lacking a seat in the House, Blaikie will end up taking it.
I've never played this game - the game of politics - at least not for real. But, now, because I work for Adam G_______, I can't help hearing this talk around me. Who do I support? Who would I vote for had I managed to join the party in time? I would back Layton, though I'm sort of partial to Comartin, as well. I certainly wouldn't back Meslo - I've never seen so much crap. "For a socialist and feminist New Democratic Party." Huh? The word 'feminist' is NOT a good sell. Too many people, including many women, are bothered by the word. Besides, there's a big fat rose on her webpage and underneath it says, "Yes, it is bread we fight for, but we fight for roses too !" I'm pretty sure that's a quote from somewhere, but it's not attributed. What kind of a mixed message is this? Anyway, that's a rant for another day.
I'm all done with G________'s re-election work. He called me last night to tell me that the buttons look fabulous. I've enjoyed working for him on this, although spending this weekend doing relatively nothing sounds like a great plan. I was all keyed up to go to the gym tonight before we (Rick and I) leave for the Petes, but I left my shorts and shoes at my appartment, so I guess I'll just go home and take a well-deserved nap. Next week, I start with more stuff for Adam, this time for his municipal stuff. He is certainly going to keep me busy. Of course, the busier I am with his stuff, the less of a struggle I have financially, which is definitely a good thing.
Also, I got my application to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the mail. It has to be postmarked with today's date, so it should be fine, but just in case, I'm going to email my application in as well. On Tuesday, I'm meeting with my old Professor Nagel, and hopefully Mac Johnson, too, in order to talk to him about references. I'll also be going into the university registrar's office in order to pay for my transcripts. God, my marks were terrible. They were worse than I'd thought. I was one heck of an average student. For each fail there is an A, there are more Bs than Ds, and there is a stack of Cs. It doesn't bode well for the museum, but maybe they'll look past that to all the extra-curricular stuff I've done... Heh, ya, right.
So, anyway, it's Freaky-Tie Friday, which happens about every three Fridays or so, as long as it's not too hot and I've got a clean shirt. I've been wearing ties far longer than Avril Lavigne and I wear them with more style and flash. The idea behind FTF is to wear a tie (preferably a nice loud/ugly one) with either a surprisingly coloured shirt, plain shirt (for extra loud ties), and if possible, with matched socks. Today I'm wearing my red button-down that I got last month at Value Village along with a purple-lavender tiny-white-polka-dotted tie. I had hoped they would clash, but they work surprisingly well together. I'm wearing black and red argyle socks, too, so I'm a looker. Admit it, Freaky-Tie Friday is WAY more exciting than casual/denim Fridays.