It's been a while, hasn't it? You might ascertain that I'm losing interest in my weblog, but you would be wrong. I've simply got too much going on, and when I do get time to myself (like this past week, for instance), which is time I usually devote to my non-paying work and fun, I ended up crashing. I went to Mom's and slept easily half the time I was there. God, it was wonderful.
Now I'm back and there will be no rest for the wicked, as they say. I've got to get down and dirty with Adam G_________'s stuff, plus I've got storyboards to get done by the end of this weekend (hopefully). I'm going to -try- to get to Pandemonium, if for no other reason than to enter a couple dioramas into their miniature contest, plus I'm starting at the gym with Erin on Sunday. I think that maybe I'm crazy.
Spending time at Mom's was great. Moreso even than usual. Willi is completely at home there now, playing and sleeping in intervals, Chester her willing partner in crime. It's beautiful at Mom's and the floor isn't tile, automatically gaining points for being warmer than freezing. Also, there's my mom, who is definitely one of, if not, THE coolest people I know. More and more, lately, I think about moving home. This might be a possibility if I end up applying to Sir Sanford Fleming for their Museum admin/curator programme. That would, of course, require more funding, if OSAP will allow it, considering I'm currently heading for default (even though it's their fault).
Now my day is done, which is good, since the last half hour has seen little more than me fighting with Betsey (my ROM computer) who believes that what I'm asking her to do, something I ask her to do on a regular basis, is something she absolutely cannot do.