First of all, please, follow this link, which was given to me by Nick. Don't worry about not being able to read Japanese, it really won't factor into the story at all. Just keep clicking the pictures.
Last night, feeling (thankfully) much better than I had through most of the day and certainly all of the day before, I took Rick for a belated birthday dinner at The Lobster Trap. They're not kidding - it's awesome. We had a lovely waiter, named Cam, who looked awfully familiar. I probably went to elementary school with him, or something. Anyway, we both had steamed pound-and-a-quarter lobsters with salad and were MORE than pleased at how delicious they were. God, lobster is amazing. I hope they don't over-fish them the way they do everything else, but I'm probably wasting a wish. He had a glass of wine and I had a caesar and for dessert, he had a shrimp cocktail and a couple spoonfuls of icecream off my apple-caramel cake plate. Nummy ! The coffee was good and everything was great. Happy 24th birthday Rick, most of a month late !
I went with Rick to pick up a new computer monitor for him this afternoon. He has a dinky 14" creature at home that is barely wide enough to see my own reflection in it. The model he got was not very big, as far as monitors go, and if I can come up with some extra money that won't be funneled into something (ya, right), I'd like to get one for my mother, too, since it's not so large as would take up all her desk space. Rick was a great guy and bought me a swank new video card. He'd intended to get me one for my birthday, but he got me one today, at a pretty darn good price. Had it been more expensive, I would not have allowed him. Anyway, I owe him for the CD cases that he paid for - I forgot to give him money. Then I drove him and his monitor to his house, before swinging back across the city to get home. I had to get ready for An Evening with Adam G_______. That... wasn't so exciting that it deserves a lot of note. Suffice it to say, I met some nice people, some weird people, and some other people. I got asked several times if I'd be attending the NDP convention this coming weekend and now I can safely say, "No !" Hah ! I'll have had enough of campaign fun by then and will sorely need a break.
I spent all of yesterday, up until leaving to pick up Rick, working on Adam's stuff. It looks keen, but naturally there were problems. Tomorrow, I start the other stuff - the stuff due for Wednesday. How did I get into this? Oh ya, I said to Adam about six months ago, "Well, if you need any help..." Who actually comes back to the people that offer? People die and we offer our help to the bereaved, but do they ever take us to task? Not usually. Well, trust Adam to remember, and trust me to say, "Sure !" I will be able to say NO at some point. Currently, I need the money.
Tomorrow, I also start at the gym with Erin. Scarey !!! I need this badly, though. Holy crap, am I ever out of shape. Also, tomorrow, I'm going to draft my letter to the Met Museum for their internship programme. I have to get it out by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest in order for it to have a postmark by the 24th. I have to call the Art Dept. to see if my favourite professors are in this week in order to mooch a couple of reference letters, too. I've yet to hit them up, so they should be ammenable. I'm also going to get Ania, the director of Membership to write me one, which she has already agreed to do. Afterall, ILM isn't exactly beating down the door to get a hold of me.