Another little while has passed and I haven't gotten around to updating my weblog. I know it's a bad sign when my mother tells me over the phone that she was disappointed that there had been no updates. Sorry !
Anyway, it's a busy time for me. It wasn't supposed to be, but it is, and there's nothing I can do about it except get on with things. I am supposed to be working on Adam's FYI newsletter, but I haven't been able to make the template files work for me, which is a serious problem. I'm supposed to have them done by Sunday, but lord only knows if I'll be able to do it. I guess that's what I'll be doing tomorrow. After a meeting at the Cafe Diplomatico, anyway. Adam's municipal campaign team choose the tastiest places to hold meetings.
On Tuesday, I went to meet with Professor Nagel about getting a reference and that went quite well. Professor Nagel (I get to call him Alex now) was my absolute favourite professor at university. Not only was he well dressed, but he was engaging and encouraged his students to become actively involved in their learning. He pressed us for creative thought, critical thinking, and enjoyment of the subject. Very few professors successfully manage to do one of the above, let alone all three. I also ran into an old school friend, Guita, and she encouraged me to go back to school for a Masters. We'll see about that.
On Wednesday, I went to a job interview. Back in December, Al had told me about a job opening at his work and had asked me for a resume. I forgot about it until Monday when he told me that I had an interview on Wednesday. Not a heck of a lot of time to get prepared, but it was a good interview, regardless. First of all, right off the bat, I asked the interviewer, Don, where he was from. His accent sounded very familiar. "Brooklyn," he answered. "Where in Brooklyn?" I asked. "Sheep's Head Bay," says he. "No kidding !" I exclaim, "I come from Sheep's Head Bay, too !" "No kidding !" he exclaims. Don is a nice guy and the interview went well, but the job is a scary one. High pressure telecommunications sales. The incentives are good, but it's hard work and... well, it's just scary. Anyway, I'll find out if they're offering the job to me either today or Monday. I've spent the better part of yesterday thinking about it.
Well, that is when I wasn't sleeping off my migraines. I woke up with one, which kept me out of work, and when it cleared around 1pm, I decided to do some cleaning of my room. Boy, was that ever some serious work. By supper time, I'd developed a new migraine and spent the majority of my night in bed. Oh well, I got the box in my room delt with, nearly a year after moving in, and my bookshelves are almost completely reorganised, including a display of most of my toys. It's nice to have my old friends out again. When I have a little money, I'm going to buy myself a filing cabinet of some sort, though. I have too many loose papers lying around.
Tonight, I'm taking Rick to the gym. We were supposed to go yesterday, but I couldn't because of my head. I'm going to take it nice and easy, just doing some of the machines, maybe rowing and cycling, or something. I don't know what Rick plans to do. All I know is that afterward, we're going to hace a nice dinner somewhere, or order something in. We'll see. Not quite a date, but it will be fun.