Thursday, December 19, 2002

Ahhh, the breakfast of champions does not compare to the breakfast of pre-Christmas membership goodies. My day was begun with two slices of very pleasant fruitcake baked by Debbie, followed by melt-in-your-mouth shortbreak cookies baked by Merle, one of the volunteers, and now I'm sucking on a candy cane. There's a chesecake made by Stacey in the fridge, but I won't get any of that since I'm not going to Calvin's Membership/Foundation party tonight. I have plans with Becca for a long overdue coffee followed by a visit to Sandra's to look at swatches and to have a reading with John. Oh my gosh, I'm so full of not-good-for-me food... I think I'm going to settle for soup at lunch. Hobbits would be proud of my eating habits today.

Carrie and Al have okayed the front of the invitation. Tonight I'm going to start on the inside. I realised that I simply don't have the time to work with the Letraset no matter how much I like it, so it came down to digging through the internet to see what I could find. Well, God bless the 'net, for lo ! the Angel of the Fonts came upon me and all about me shone a heavenly light for I had been guided to a vast repository of free downloadable types ! I snagged about twelve different fonts, not all for use with the invitations, loaded them into my computer and the proceded to play. And it was good fun. The best of fun.

Actually, I had more fun bowling with Membership yesterday, which I thought was going to be today, but I was wrong. I defected to Team Tres (3), the pseudo Spanish team (Richard, team captain, just came back from Chile) and thus was awarded the prize for most back-stabbing-est player. It's okay, though, for the team I defected to did not do so well because I seriously brought them down. It's been a long time since I bowled and it seems that I now suck. Everyone on our team had pseudo Spanish names and mine was Los Fingers, which amused me to no end. *laugh* Anyway, my feeling was that Membership would do well to get together as a group more often than it does because events like this do so much for the morale.

I miss my cat a lot. I find myself looking in all her usual places only to find no cat there. It's a bit unsettling, but I know she's fine and enjoying life at Mom's. I wish she enjoyed life as much at my place, but what can you do. I don't have three floors to explore and a pair of cats to play with/annoy. I walked into the living room today and expected to find her on her pillow, but she was not there. I really miss her snuggly self in bed, too. On the other hand, there's something nice about sleeping straight through until my alarm, rather than waking up at 5am to feed her. Still, the house seems sort of empty. I guess I'm just used to having the air around my ankles filled with her furriness.