Yesterday was the perfect day to play with horses, at least it was as far as I'm concerned. I called my friend Jenn in the Petes and joined her and her sweet new boyfriend, Jeremy, out at her barn where they were busy cleaning it. I played with her horses and got all muddy and dirty (horses just love chewing my leather jacket) with her in-your-face mother-son team of Lucy and Neo. Both horses were doing creative things with burrs in their manes and tails. Most charming. We talked a long time, not getting much cleaning done while I was there.
Some time later, Jenn's father came into the barn to see if we'd go help him feed the calves. Jenn's family opperates a big dairy farm and they've got a lot of calves to look after. The three of us trooped over and were handed buckets of fresh milk to give the babies and then water to the older ones who were being weaned (milk in the morning, water at night). If you ever thought calves were demure, think again, they bunted the buckets, slurped loudly, slopped the milk... it was super fun. If you stuck out your fingers, they'd try to nurse from them, which felt pretty neat. All in all, when I returned home, I stank of horse and cow manure, had milk slobber all over my pants, horse slobber all over my jacket, my hair had been chewed, my hands were sticky, and the cuffs of my jeans were mucky brown. It was great !
I'm not feeling so hot today. Sitting at work, early in the day, I kept feeling my face heat up, and Bonnie noticed that I was flushed. A potential mild fever seemed the culprit when I discovered that the ROM had not started over compensating with warm air (it's usually freezing in here), rather, it was me, feeling very warm. Now I'm sitting here freezing, with my jacket on, and hacking my lungs out. All this does not bode well for me, especially since I just shook off my unrelentingly irksome cold. Oh well, I'm off to the Petes once more tonight, just for the night, so as to provide moral support for my Mom who's a bit nervous about going into the sleep clinic tomorrow.
Tonight, after work, I'm running off to the Royal to pick up tickets for Thursday's horse show. Juliane and I will be going and I'm quite excited. I haven't seen her in a few years and attending the Royal with her is one of life's more delicious experiences. I'm not sure of what we like more, the horses or making fun of the horsey snobs. I hope there are still some decent seats left. I would seriously hate to have a pillar in my face. After the Royal on Thursday, I'm going to go back to Hamilton with Juli and spend the night in order to have a bit of a visit and to help her hang some art at a conferrence/exhibition thing at MacMaster. It should be fun, so I'm really hoping that today's poopiness doesn't amount to anything serious.