So, in the real world, we're surrounded by Republicans, but in the world of Television, Bartlett has just been re-elected as President. Oh God, do I ever wish that The West Wing was real life and that Bartlett really was President... Hell, even Martin Sheen - from what I understand, he's a very involved, left-wing activist actor. You know, there have been few TV shows that I've ever wanted to be -IN- (ST:TNG, The Aventures of Black Beauty, You Can't Do that On Television, and The Muppet Show, are all that come to mind), but I'd LOVE to be a part of Th'Wing.
The old volunteers are at it again, though so far they haven't mentioned the Second World War or the Bismark. No, today it's politics. I think they're all Liberals, but it's hard to tell from the way their opinions change from moment to moment. One of them was gushing about the wonderful transit system they have in San Diego, which was sort of interesting to me since I do enjoy riding transit just about everywhere I go. I don't know why, but it's sort of fun. Anyway, since San Diego doesn't get weather, having it all out-of-doors probably wouldn't fly so well here.
Here's something keen: I've been asked to submit some art (of the variety shown at Astronomicon) and some thoughts on conventions, etc., for The Collector, which I believe is a magazine. Now that is totally keen. KEEN ! My first time hanging art at a con' and I sparked interest. Go me ! Maybe it's going to be worthwhile afterall. Gosh, I hope so. Thankfully, I do have some of it kicking around on some CDs since Natasha is still quite thoroughly disfunctional.