That was NOT the same picture that was on the website. I dunno what goddess that is, but that is not Athena. Athena had a helmet and, you know, looks kind of war-like. Anyway, on with the log.
I had a wonderful time in Guelph visiting with Tracy. The drive out was horrible what with rush hour traffic and an accident, too. It turned a drive that I can easily do in under an hour and fifteen minutes into closer to two hours. Crappy. On a positive note, the weather held off until I arrived at her place. A wicked storm blew up, soaking her bed (before it occured to us to close her bedroom window), but we were safe and sound enjoying Trey Parker's movie, Orgazmo, which I'd never seen. Man, was it crazy ! Think of it: good Mormon boy of the latter-day saints doing his mission work in LA and getting drafted into a porn flick. Don't worry, he has a stunt cock stand in for the penetration scenes. It was crude, but also very clever and totally satisfying, which has nothing to do with the porn. Really. ;)
I played with Tracy's parrot, Coral (who bit me today and drew blood, the nasty fellow), quite a bit, as well as her cat, Deedlit (spelling, anyone?). Deedlit's a bit silly, but quite forgiving because she's so darn cute, sort of like Willi. I was less impressed with her when she stepped on my face at seven in the morning, and when she and the other cat, Jasper, were wrestling in the room at various times of the night. Good wrestling, not fighting. One thing that was super neat and not something you see every day, was Tracy and Mel (her housemate) vaccinating Jasper. The cat refuses to let a vet touch him, even on a house call, so Mel was given the syringes already filled with the vaccines and was left to do it herself. She's only a second year student, though, and less comfortable with needles than Tracy, so after three missed attempts, they wrapped Jasper in a towel, Mel held him down, and Tracy gave the injection. A day in the life of a vet student? Today we also took Deedlit outside on her leash and harness. Nifty.
We went to a farmers' market this morning and bought good food, some of which I brought back for my dinner. To digress somewhat, I enjoyed two small emu-meat pies and some late corn on the cob for dinner tonight. I have wax beans for tomorrow. Hurray ! The apple seller was out of spartans, but I picked up some lovely empires for a nice low price and they are delicious. Tracy also brought me along for a tour of the vet college. She is a tour guide and I was more than happy to accompany as it allows me to live somewhat viccariously through her own experiences at the school. I enjoyed the tour very much. I got to see specimens in jars of icky siamese twin pigs and such. Pretty gross stuff. The tour was fun and the college has such a lovely atmosphere, even if parts of it smell rather a bit like preserved cadavers. When the tour was over, Tracy took me into the restricted areas to meet her sheep. She works with a lab sheep. We also walked past the equine isolation stalls and there was one horse passed out in the stall on an IV, which was pretty interesting to see. There was a gorgeous show horse in one stall and he was all excited to see people looking in the observation window and he looked very good. We couldn't figure out why he was in isolation. Then we saw the bloody mucus he left on the plexiglass. Ew. Not a good sign.
Anyway, now I'm back at home, procrastinating before A) putting the edited text into the web page and, B) looking for my long lost character sheet. If I can't find it, I doubt I'll go to D&D tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff I need to be doing, anyway. We'll see.