Tuesday, October 01, 2002

In fairness, I shall endeavour to create a list of names that I like. This is not a list of potential baby names, I don't particularly dream of having babies, but I do have very strong preferences for certain names.

Adelaide, Stephen, David, Jude, Claire (hi mom !), Anne, Phalar, Thomas, Jack, Ben, Kieran, Megan (and with an H, but not spelled Meagan), Ian, Catherine, Emma, Aaron, Isaac, Ellen, Justin, Chavah, Olivia, Robert, Jeffrey (and with a G), Julie, Evan, Gregory, Nigel, Johanna, Nathaniel (Nathan), Jasmine, Laurel, Lucifer (shush, it means 'bringer of light'), Michael, Vivian (for either male or female),Claudia, Uriel, and Eshe.

I can hear the membership peeps discussing future 'incentives' to draw in more members and ensure that members renew. It's sort of interesting how they discuss it. It's very consumer-driven and quite mercantile. We the public don't often think about how much planning goes into the annoying direct mailings that come, or even the scripts that are used, and the trouble-shooting and scenarios that must be considered. They're also discussing hospital visits and injuries, but I guess it can't be all work, all the time, eh?

I took a walk at lunch today; headed over to the Manulife Centre to buy some stuff at the Pharma Plus there. I couldn't help but marvel at today. The previous warm weather record was set in 1988 at 27C, but today it hit 28C (go, Toronto?!) and did actually make 34C with the humidex, but because there's a gentle breeze, and the sun's not so high in the sky, it doesn't feel as bad as it could. I had a very nice walk in the sun, and for now, I've decided that I will enjoy this strange Indian Summer. The long-range prediction, as bespoken by the Weather Network, will remain a bit warm, but cooling right down next week. I wonder if they will be right.