I was rear-ended again today. Yes, again. It's becoming something of a running joke only I do not find it terribly humourous, especially when the driver at fault tries to bully me. Anyway, 20 minutes late for work, but otherwise completely fine and Scarlette unscathed; it's all good.
I watched a lot of TV last night, which is quite bizarre for me, but I got a costume design done for the fan film and spent time bonding with Willi (who has finally forgiven me for 'abandoning' her when I went to the cottage) and also Nick. One shouldn't bond too closely with Nick, though, because he's liable to do something that he won't regret... but you might. He found a link to a woman reading The Canterbury Tales in the Old English. Gosh, it sounded beautiful and the language sort of permiated my skull and became perfectly understandable. I've remarked on it before, but Old English sounds a lot like Dutch.
Well, Wilson is no longer with the ROM, choosing instead, the tricky road to employment in Hong Kong. Tony Tran is up here now, and while he's a nice and funny guy, things just won't be the same without Wilson leaning around the divider saying, "Maya you so mean ! You so mean, Maya. I call you DJ Meanie because you so mean. Why you so mean to me?" What a nut. I wish him well. Apparently the job market in Hong Kong is very difficult, so he'll need all the good wishes he can get. Anyway, having Tony coming upstairs (he, like me, began with site-sales) will likely mean I'll lose some of my hours since the whole reason I've been working full-time has been because we've been short-staffed. Maybe I'll get some extra work from New Media. I hope.
To change the topic completely, a few weeks back, Rick sent me a link to the Apostrophe Protecion Society. I think he did it as something of a joke, knowing that I have a real beef with how badly abused language has become. Apostrophes, semi-colons, colons, when used incorrectly, as well as double negatives, make me crazy. Anyway, I emailed the chairman of the Society and he emailed me in response. Here is my letter to him:
...I am driven to distraction by improper apostrophe placement as well as other
common grammatical horrors. I can't help it, I was raised by well degreed
mother who also happened to teach English to functionally illiterate college
Have you considered creating a sibling society about the proper use of
semi-colons? I believe that is another horribly abused punctuation mark...
His response:
...What a very encouraging email to receive. Thanks. As you say, it will be
a fight, but there seem to be plenty of people who still have respect for
grammar. I don't think I can start protecting the semi-colon, but if you
like to start an appropriate society, let me know. I will certainly join.
Best wishes - John
Isn't that neat? Now watch, everyone will start emailing me when I make grammatical errors in my weblog. I guess that's the price I have to pay. Anyway, I'd love to start a Semi-colon Protection Society. Anyone know how one does such a thing?