Well, just so you know, I haven't really ignored my weblog, it's more like I wrote a five-page entry and Blogger ate it. It just... ate it. I was horrified, but there's nothing to do but either carry on and write it again, or say 'screw it'. It was easier to perform the latter.
Before I go into things, do note that I've worked on Ray's Art, and have now put up most of the pieces' dimensions and prices. Do have a look, because as I've said many, many times, his work is just so much better than that of the vast majority. Also, if you happen to be in Peterborough, in the lower level of Peterborough Square, at the Arts Umbrella (next to Lewiscraft), he has his work featured in a group exhibition. Mostly, he's surrounded by shlock and crap art, making his stand out all the more with meaning and talent. Sadly, the ceiling just isn't high enough to accomodate the height of his work. God, I wish people would actually buy his work. It's awesome.
I had a very busy week with a lot of anxiety and drama. In brief, because I'm tired and want to go to bed, I interviewed for Stacey's job working as the customer service rep for the membership department. It was the WORST interview I've ever given. It was utterly dominated by the heinous HR guy that represents my department, to the point that Richard (my old boss and the manager looking to replace Stacey who got a new job) was distinctly uncomfortable. Add to this my nervousness - the HR guy puts me right out of sorts - and my not entirely wanting this job and BOOM you have a horrible, ghastly, uptight and disasterous interview. And that it was. Uhg. I knew I should have worn my high heels...
On the other hand, things look like maybe they're going to happen for me in New Media, afterall. I'm hoping, but I'm not counting eggs before they're hatched, you know. I don't want that to fall through. Suffice it to say that the director of that branch seems to really like me and I know I'd really like to work for him. The end.
Currently, I'm at Mom's celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Happy New Year !! It's now the year 5763, in case you didn't know. Shana Tovah, as they say. Anyway, it's nice to be in Peterborough with Mom and Willi and Mom's cats, Chester and Melody. It's so... furry and fun. I dropped into Eyeball Soup today and Chris wants me to bring in my greeting cards to sell them. So, since this is the time for new beginnings, I say yes. I'll even make more for holidays and whatnot. Shana Tovah, indeed.
Mom's on medical leave for an indefinite amount of time, which is good for her health, though she's got mixed feelings about it. Work is bad these days, and only getting worse, and her health has been seriously deteriorating. Things will get better, now that the pressure's off, I think. I hope. I want her to be well. In the end, it's more important that she's healthy than chained to her desk at work. Circumstances allowed her to do this with a minimal amount of guilt, so, good.
Anyway, I had more I was going to say, stuff that got eaten, but now I'd rather go to bed.