Today is September Eleventh. This morning, Tanya sang Mozart's Requiem in honour of the dead. This morning, the names of the dead were read aloud from Ground Zero. Today we remember. We remember those that died. Today is not about America's undying spirit, or the vanquishing of evil-doers the world over. Today is the anniversary of the many hundreds that died as four hijacked jet airliners opened the eyes of the world. Wave your flags if you think that's what is important today. Sing your anthems and pledge your allegiance if it makes you think you're part of something great. Send your sons and daughters off to war if you think that's what makes America the Beautiful.
I prefer to recall those who lost their lives because of the insanity of Man; the inhumanity of Man.
Fighting a useless war did not answer the questions nor did it offer security. Stripping the rights and freedoms of hundreds of people for the sake of mere, and often groundless, possibilities did not reclaim what was lost. No, not at all. Perhaps now it is time to try a different road. A route too often disregarded: the road of peace. That is a message I want brought to the world, to all that fight their insane struggles, their battles wrought of vengence and jealousy. We are one people, billions of us, living on one planet despising each other. Put down your flags and your fists and instead take up the cause of unity. It has never truly been tried, never truly given a fair chance to succeed. Time has shown us that hatred and war do not work, do not further humanity. Put down your rolls of bills, close your wallets and set aside your flow-charts. Open your eyes and realise that war should not be what runs our economies, no matter what, for the losses are impossible to value.
Try the road of Peace. The road of War is a dead-end.