So, it looks like I'll be freelancing for Julian at the ROM. It's scarey ! My web skills are going to have to get a serious overhaul ! I'm excited. Nervous, but excited. I've got about two weeks to get, what needs to be done, finished. Eek ! I can do it, right? Sure. :)
I guess this will put my own site's updates on hiatus for a little while, but what's another couple of weeks in the grand scheme of things? Exactly.
I've sent some updates to my Elfwood sites, though, if you haven't already seen them. My Lothlorien (fantasy) gallery has some new stuff and some old stuff, and by request... scantilly clad women and dwarves ! Woo. Also, my Zone 47 (sci-fi) gallery has been updated as well. Check it out !
Last night, Rick and I went for dinner at the Montreal Bistro. The Don Thompson Quartet with Barry Elmes, Jim Vivian and featuring Roy Styffe (alto sax) played, and they were pretty good. I wasn't terribly keen on Roy Styffe, but I'm not big on the alto sax, but he seemed hard-pressed to keep up through some of his solos and he spent more time than I approve of staring at his music. The rest of them were fun and great. The food was excellent. I had the linguini with goatcheese and Rick had the seafood cocotte. It was expensive, but really nice. There are some excellent performers coming up over the next month, too, so I'd love to go back. Aside from all that, last night marked two and a half years for Rick and I. Wow.