Well, just a quick entry to start. Hopefully I'll get back to this sometime this crazy-busy weekend. I'm off to set up for the Sci-Fi Expo, with Rick's help, sometime in the near future. I've managed to get everything on my list done and, hopefully, I haven't forgotten anything. I spent an obscene amount at Kinkos, which stunned me, but my mother assured me that it's money for my future, and I feel marginally better about it. Sort of. Whichever way you look at it, $277 is a LOT of money. Both she and Rick assure me that I'll make it all back. There are moments when I think so too, and moments when I despair that anything will be sold at all.
In other news, last night, Willi caught a mouse in the house. Willi the Huntress ! I was photographing my dioramas with Nick's digital camera and I'd just finished when I heard something behind me. I turned around, camera still in my hands, and lo, there was Willi bopping the mouse on the head. I took some pictures of her flipping the poor thing about before getting a paper towel and picking it up. I threw it into the neighbour's yard (the one that doesn't like cats) and went back inside. Much praise for Willi-bee and then I cleaned my hands. Feh. If I thought she was actually going to bother killing it, I'd have let her, but, it was tiny and she was only half interested.