Today I've actually had the pleasure of acting as a proper Union Steward. Whee ! Mostly this has entailed me shlepping all over the museum looking for the president in order to ask questions, Wilson (with his broken arm) in tow. Questions about leaves of absense and/or extended sick time foremost. And then giving some sort of council to Wilson about his insurance and what the ROM will and will not cover. I got to meet the Membership Dept.'s representative in HR and he's as much of a slime as people made him out to be. As one woman said to me on our way out of HR, "He looks evil." Anyway, maybe he's not, but he's all about saying things like, "Well it's really up to the union," and, "I can't really say, it depends on what the museum and union work out." Yeesh, a break... give me one, please. However, it's a useful experience and I got to take Wilson into areas of the ROM he's never been before. It's BIG. Anyway, now I should really get some work done since I've been doing this for the better part of two hours.